SQL server 2012 always on

  • Hello,

    I have a question on sql always on on sqlserver 2012 EE.

    I have created a 3 server environment, containing 1 DC and 2 SQL servers. Installed failover cluster on it. installed SQL2012 EE on both SQL nodes. configured an Availability Group (AG) and placed that in the cluster called sqlcluster with its corresponding ip.nr.

    Now I have SQL1 as

    SQL2 as

    and sqlcluster as

    Everything looks like it is working as expected. If I connect to 185 (SQLcluster) with sqlstudio, I am connected to the primary node.

    If I reboot the primary node. the AG shifts to the other node. and my SQLcluster (185) is looking at the other node.

    Now the issue.

    When I stop sql server on the primary node. the AG shift to the other node, all fine, but the sqlcluster (185) still looks at the sqlserver which is down (only sql server services). If I start sql services on this node. I get access via the sqlcluster (185) but I am connected to the secondary node)

    How can I make sure if the sqlcluster is also shifting to the correct node. I don't want to setup a services cluster failover, because then only one sqlserver is up, and basically no always on functionality is possible. or I need to manual start services on both nodes.

    The only thing I need is to have the sqlcluster (185) looking at the correct (primary) server.

  • What do you call "sqlcluster"?

    Is it AG listener or anything else?

  • I think you pointed me in the correct direction. I did not had a listener.

    Checking this now. if that brings the solution for my issue.

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