Sql Server 2008 R2 Error: An error occurred while executing batch. Error message is: Error creating window handle.

  • Hi All,

    I'm running the query below in SSMS 2008 R2 and it takes longer than expected and when I include the Actual Query Execution Plan I get the error above and then management studion shuts down.

    I don't know what could be wrong with the script that's causing the error or maybe it needs to be simplyfied. Please help.

    please let me know if i should post sample data as well.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spReport_RequisitionDetail]

    @StartDate datetime = NULL,

    @EndDate datetime = NULL,

    @LocationID int = NULL,

    @LineofserviceID int = NULL,

    @RecruiterID int = NULL,

    @BusinessUnitID int = NULL


    declare @sql nvarchar(4000)

    -- Requisition Fields are built up dynamically. Build temporary table with data in a fixed structure

    -- for use in select lower down

    create table #tmpRequisitionData (intRequisitionId int)

    -- Table to store dynamic SQL statements for execution

    create table #tmpCreateTableSQL (SQL nvarchar(4000))

    -- Load all fields available in requisition form

    -- Use data type in refRequisition to determine column type. if none given set to nvarchar

    insert into #tmpCreateTableSQL

    select distinct

    'alter table #tmpRequisitionData add [' + r.nvcDisplay + '] ' +

    case isnull(substring(r.nvcControlName, 1, 3), 'lbl')

    when 'lbl' then 'nvarchar(256)'

    when 'ddl' then 'nvarchar(256)'

    when 'txt' then 'nvarchar(1000)'

    when 'chk' then 'bit'

    when 'ddl' then 'int'

    when 'cld' then 'datetime'


    from refRequisition r


    r.bitDeleted = 0 and

    r.intPageID = 3 and --requisition details page

    isnull(r.nvcGroupName, '') = '' --grouped items should not be a column each rather use the heading

    delete from #tmpCreateTableSQL where [SQL] is null or [SQL] = ''

    set @sql = (select top 1 [SQL] from #tmpCreateTableSQL)

    print '@sql: ' + @sql

    while @sql is not null


    exec sp_sqlexec @sql

    delete from #tmpCreateTableSQL where [SQL] = @sql

    set @sql = (select top 1 [SQL] from #tmpCreateTableSQL)

    print '@sql: ' + @sql


    -- select * from #tmpRequisitionData

    -- load in data from dtlDynamicFormFieldValue to new rpt table

    set @sql = 'insert into #tmpRequisitionData(intRequisitionId)' +

    ' select distinct rr.intRequisitionId ' +

    ' from relRequisitions rr inner join dtlRequisition r on rr.intRequisitionId = r.intRequisitionId' +

    ' where rr.bitDeleted=0 and r.bitDeleted=0 and r.isComplete=0 '

    print '@sql: ' + @sql

    --Implement filtering if selected, having to do some hard coding here as it's just not feasible to dynamically work this out

    if (@LocationID is not null)


    declare @LocationRefID varchar(64)

    set @LocationRefID = (select RefRequisitionID from refRequisition where vchRefTableName = 'refLocation' and intPageID=3)

    set @sql = @sql + ' and rr.intRequisitionId in (select intRequisitionId from relRequisitions where bitDeleted=0 and intRefID = ' + @LocationRefID + ' and nvcValue = ' + convert(varchar, @LocationID) + ')'

    print '@sql: ' + @sql


    if (@LineofserviceID is not null)


    declare @LineOfServiceRefID varchar(64)

    set @LineOfServiceRefID = (select RefRequisitionID from refRequisition where vchRefTableName = 'refLineOfService' and intPageID=3)

    set @sql = @sql + ' and rr.intRequisitionId in (select intRequisitionId from relRequisitions where bitDeleted=0 and intRefID = ' + @LineOfServiceRefID + ' and nvcValue = ' + convert(varchar, @LineofserviceID) + ')'

    print '@sql: ' + @sql


    if (@RecruiterID is not null)


    set @sql = @sql + ' and r.intRecruiterId = ' + convert(varchar, @RecruiterID)

    print '@sql: ' + @sql


    if (@BusinessUnitID is not null)


    declare @BusinessUnitRefID varchar(64)

    set @BusinessUnitRefID = (select RefRequisitionID from refRequisition where vchRefTableName = 'refDivision' and intPageID=3)

    set @sql = @sql + ' and rr.intRequisitionId in (select intRequisitionId from relRequisitions where bitDeleted=0 and intRefID = ' + @BusinessUnitRefID + ' and nvcValue = ' + convert(varchar, @BusinessUnitID) + ')'

    print '@sql: ' + @sql


    --Dates Filter

    if (@StartDate is not null and @EndDate is not null)


    set @sql = @sql + ' and r.CreateDate between convert(datetime, ''' + convert(varchar, @StartDate, 103) + ''', 103) and convert(datetime, ''' + convert(varchar, @EndDate, 103) + ''', 103)'

    print '@sql: ' + @sql


    --print '@sql: ' + @sql

    exec sp_executesql @sql

    print '@sql: ' + @sql

    insert into #tmpCreateTableSQL


    case isnull(substring(r.nvcControlName, 1, 3), 'lbl') when 'ddl' then

    'update #tmpRequisitionData set [' + r.nvcDisplay + '] = ' +

    --populate int and value for dropdowns

    case when rr.nvcValue is not null then

    '(select [' + r.vchRefReportColumn + '] from ' + r.vchRefTableName + ' where ' + r.vchRefPrimaryKey + ' = ''' + rr.nvcValue + ''')'


    + ' where intRequisitionId = ''' + convert(nvarchar(16), rr.intRequisitionId) + ''''

    when 'lbl' then

    'update #tmpRequisitionData set [' + r.nvcDisplay + '] = ' +

    --populate value for checkbox grouping

    case when isnull(childrr.nvcValue, '') = '' then 'null' else '''' + childrr.nvcValue + '''' end

    + ' where intRequisitionId = ''' + convert(nvarchar(16), childrr.intRequisitionId) + ''''


    'update #tmpRequisitionData set [' + r.nvcDisplay + '] = ' +

    case isnull(substring(r.nvcControlName, 1, 3), 'lbl')

    when 'txt' then

    case when len(rr.nvcValue) > 1000 then 'substring(' else '' end +

    'N''' + substring(replace(isnull(rr.nvcValue, 'null'), '''', ''''''), 1, 1000)

    when 'chk' then '' + isnull(rr.nvcValue, 'null')

    when 'cld' then

    case isnull(rr.nvcValue, '') when '' then 'null' when '01/01/0001 00:00:00' then 'null' else 'convert(datetime, substring(''' + rr.nvcValue end

    end +

    case isnull(substring(r.nvcControlName, 1, 3), 'lbl')

    when 'txt' then

    '''' + case when len(rr.nvcValue) > 1000 then ', 1, 1000)' else '' end

    when 'chk' then ''

    when 'cld' then

    case isnull(rr.nvcValue, '') when '' then '' when '01/01/0001 00:00:00' then '' else ''', 1, 10), 103)' end


    + ' where intRequisitionId = ' + convert(nvarchar(16), rr.intRequisitionId)



    refRequisition r

    left join relRequisitions rr on r.RefRequisitionID = rr.intRefID and rr.bitDeleted = 0

    left join refRequisition childr on childr.intParentID = r.RefRequisitionID

    left join relRequisitions childrr on childr.RefRequisitionID = childrr.intRefID


    r.bitDeleted = 0 and

    isnull(r.nvcGroupName, '') = '' and --grouped items should not be a column each rather use the heading

    r.intPageID = 3 --requisition details page

    delete from #tmpCreateTableSQL where [SQL] is null or [SQL] = ''

    --select * from #tmpCreateTableSQL

    set @sql = (select top 1 [SQL] from #tmpCreateTableSQL)

    while @sql is not null


    exec sp_sqlexec @sql

    delete from #tmpCreateTableSQL where [SQL] = @sql

    set @sql = (select top 1 [SQL] from #tmpCreateTableSQL)

    print '@sql: ' + @sql


    drop table #tmpCreateTableSQL




    isnull(approver1.LastName, '') + ', ' + isnull(approver1.FirstName, '') as [First Approver],

    case isnull(approver1status.name, '') when '' then 'Waiting' when 'Yes' then 'Approved' else 'Denied' end as [First Approver Status],

    isnull(approver2.LastName, '') + ', ' + isnull(approver2.FirstName, '') as [Second Approver],

    case isnull(approver2status.name, '') when '' then 'Waiting' when 'Yes' then 'Approved' else 'Denied' end as [Second Approver Status],

    isnull(approver3.LastName, '') + ', ' + isnull(approver3.FirstName, '') as [Third Approver],

    case isnull(approver3status.name, '') when '' then 'Waiting' when 'Yes' then 'Approved' else 'Denied' end as [Third Approver Status],

    isnull(approver4.LastName, '') + ', ' + isnull(approver4.FirstName, '') as [Fourth Approver],

    case isnull(approver4status.name, '') when '' then 'Waiting' when 'Yes' then 'Approved' else 'Denied' end as [Fourth Approver Status],

    isnull(approver5.LastName, '') + ', ' + isnull(approver5.FirstName, '') as [Fifth Approver],

    case isnull(approver5status.name, '') when '' then 'Waiting' when 'Yes' then 'Approved' else 'Denied' end as [Fifth Approver Status]


    dtlRequisition req

    inner join #tmpRequisitionData trd on trd.intRequisitionID = req.intRequisitionID

    left join Admin approver1 on req.intFirstApproverID = approver1.Id

    left join Admin approver2 on req.intSecondApproverID = approver2.Id

    left join Admin approver3 on req.intThirdApproverID = approver3.Id

    left join Admin approver4 on req.intFourthApproverID = approver4.Id

    left join Admin approver5 on req.intFifthApproverID = approver5.Id

    left join refIncremental approver1status on req.intFirstApproverStatus = approver1status.value

    left join refIncremental approver2status on req.intSecondApproverStatus = approver2status.value

    left join refIncremental approver3status on req.intThirdApproverStatus = approver3status.value

    left join refIncremental approver4status on req.intFourthApproverStatus = approver4status.value

    left join refIncremental approver5status on req.intFifthApproverStatus = approver5status.value

    drop table #tmpRequisitionData



  • Hi Teee,

    I did not run your procedure but with large queries and/or lots of outputs you should first set "Results to Text".

    Otherwise you run into this error, which basically means you are running out of memory. :w00t:

    Edit: MS also encourages to SET NOCOUNT ON in procedures.



  • I don't think it's an issue of the queries being "large".

    More likely the two while loops *cough* generate a huge number of execution plans being generated and displayed leading to the error message.

    Regardless of the original question: there's most likely more than one alternative to speed up this process and to get rid of the loops.

    But this would require something to test against (DDL, sample data, expected result...).

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Try using


    to get the execution plan, could be a parsing error when displaying the plan.


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