SQL Server 2005 SP 3

  • Lynn,

    Did you ever get this figured out? Here is a link to the command line install instructions and there is a parameter for INSTANCENAME, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms144259(SQL.90).aspx

  • Jack,

    Actually, no I haven't. A friend of mine did some research and it seems that there have been a few others that have had similiar issues with a multi-instance update.

    I did find something interesting before I went on vacation for Christmas/New Years that may point to an issue with the registry. If you look back at one of my posts you'll see what I found in the logs.

    One of our network people (he was out when I was having this issue) suggested running sysprocesses (?) (from sysinternals) while attempting the install of SP 3, and that it may catch something while it is running.

    As everythig that needs to run is working okay, I decided I should actually take a break from the problem and attack it fresh when I return on January 5th. Doesn't mean I won't look into ideas and suggestions that may come up between now and then.

    I did find the instructions for running an install from the command-line, didn't help.

    I'm thinking I may uninstall the named instance (we really aren't using it at the moment, and see if that "fixes" the issue for me.

    I want to spend more time reviewing the logs first however to see if I can find anything more there before going that far.

  • Lynn,

    I did see your post about the registry issue, but I knew I had seen the command line install instructions somewhere so when I saw it, I figured I'd post it.

    Hope you can figure it out. I don't know why multiple instances would cause a problem. Did it cause a problem in the install of SP2?

  • Lynn,

    Not sure if this applies, but check pathing in your setup files. We had an issue with Sp3 and multiple instances in SQL 2000 where we'd used different paths for instances than the defaults and things failed.

  • Jack Corbett (12/26/2008)


    I did see your post about the registry issue, but I knew I had seen the command line install instructions somewhere so when I saw it, I figured I'd post it.

    Hope you can figure it out. I don't know why multiple instances would cause a problem. Did it cause a problem in the install of SP2?

    Not on my servers. I did have a named RTM DE instance on my older desktop system at work along with a default instance of SQL Server 2000 that I could not even apply SP 1 or SP 2 to. I eventually removed the named instance as I never really used it that much on that system any way. My other desktop system is more powerful. I use the older system now just of Office and emails, sometimes use SSMS from it when I need a seperate connection for testing or research.

  • Steve Jones - Editor (12/26/2008)


    Not sure if this applies, but check pathing in your setup files. We had an issue with Sp3 and multiple instances in SQL 2000 where we'd used different paths for instances than the defaults and things failed.

    I will check, but I'm pretty sure that we used the defaults on the installs for both. I will double check them when I get to work on January 5th.

  • Lynn, did you solve the problem?

  • Hi Lynn,

    I too had the same problem while installing SP2 on Developer Edition (64bit). I've fixed

    that by manually copying the installer msps to the windows installer directories.

    In your case, you need to copy "sqlrun_sql.msp" to "C:\WINDOWS\Installer" directory as "286a88a8.msp"

    See the logs from "SQL9_Hotfix_KB955706_sqlrun_sql.msp.log"...

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: Opening existing patch 'C:\WINDOWS\Installer\286a88a8.msp'.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\286a88a8.msp 3: -2147287038

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: Couldn't find local patch 'C:\WINDOWS\Installer\286a88a8.msp'.

    Looking for it at its source.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: Resolving Patch source.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu'

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: User policy value 'DisableMedia' is 0

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownMedia' is 0

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT: Media enabled only if package is safe.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT:

    Looking for sourcelist for product {5ED0D7FD-B6EB-462C-840F-EB4A1E977152}

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT: Adding {5ED0D7FD-B6EB-462C-840F-EB4A1E977152};

    to potential sourcelist list (pcode;disk;relpath).

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT: Now checking product {5ED0D7FD-B6EB-462C-840F-EB4A1E977152}

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT: Media is enabled for product.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT: Attempting to use LastUsedSource from source list.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT: Trying source d:\8b33a48bd47ce6d1e3c8cf13\HotFixSQL\Files\.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: Note: 1: 2203 2: d:\8b33a48bd47ce6d1e3c8cf13\HotFixSQL\Files\sqlrun_sql.msp

    3: -2147287037

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT: Source is invalid due to missing/inaccessible package.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]:

    Note: 1: 1706 2: -2147483647 3: sqlrun_sql.msp

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT: Processing net source list.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: Note: 1: 1706 2: -2147483647 3: sqlrun_sql.msp

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT: Processing media source list.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:50:890]: SOURCEMGMT: Resolved source to: 'sqlrun_sql.msp'

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:54:46:609]: Note: 1: 1314 2: sqlrun_sql.msp

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:54:46:609]: Unable to create a temp copy of patch 'sqlrun_sql.msp'./

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:54:46:609]: Note: 1: 1708

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:54:46:609]: Note: 1: 2729

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:54:46:609]: Note: 1: 2729

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:54:46:609]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (64-bit) -- Installation failed.


  • Ignacio A. Salom Rangel (1/6/2009)

    Lynn, did you solve the problem?

    Not at this time. As the daily processes were working fine prior to the Christmas Break, I actually took my vacation the last 2 weeks and have not been actively, though I have read several posts and other emails regarding the issue, working the problem. Monday being my first day back to work, I didn't have much time to start reseaching the problem as yet. I do intend to dive back into the logs to see if I can find any more clues today or tomorrow.

    I will also look at the information provided in this post.

  • Ramesh (1/6/2009)

    Hi Lynn,

    I too had the same problem while installing SP2 on Developer Edition (64bit). I've fixed

    that by manually copying the installer msps to the windows installer directories.

    In your case, you need to copy "sqlrun_sql.msp" to "C:\WINDOWS\Installer" directory as "286a88a8.msp"

    See the logs from "SQL9_Hotfix_KB955706_sqlrun_sql.msp.log"...

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: Opening existing patch 'C:\WINDOWS\Installer\286a88a8.msp'.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\286a88a8.msp 3: -2147287038

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: Couldn't find local patch 'C:\WINDOWS\Installer\286a88a8.msp'.

    Looking for it at its source.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: Resolving Patch source.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu'

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: User policy value 'DisableMedia' is 0

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownMedia' is 0

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT: Media enabled only if package is safe.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT:

    Looking for sourcelist for product {5ED0D7FD-B6EB-462C-840F-EB4A1E977152}

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT: Adding {5ED0D7FD-B6EB-462C-840F-EB4A1E977152};

    to potential sourcelist list (pcode;disk;relpath).

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT: Now checking product {5ED0D7FD-B6EB-462C-840F-EB4A1E977152}

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT: Media is enabled for product.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT: Attempting to use LastUsedSource from source list.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT: Trying source d:\8b33a48bd47ce6d1e3c8cf13\HotFixSQL\Files\.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: Note: 1: 2203 2: d:\8b33a48bd47ce6d1e3c8cf13\HotFixSQL\Files\sqlrun_sql.msp

    3: -2147287037

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT: Source is invalid due to missing/inaccessible package.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]:

    Note: 1: 1706 2: -2147483647 3: sqlrun_sql.msp

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT: Processing net source list.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: Note: 1: 1706 2: -2147483647 3: sqlrun_sql.msp

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:49:859]: SOURCEMGMT: Processing media source list.

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:53:50:890]: SOURCEMGMT: Resolved source to: 'sqlrun_sql.msp'

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:54:46:609]: Note: 1: 1314 2: sqlrun_sql.msp

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:54:46:609]: Unable to create a temp copy of patch 'sqlrun_sql.msp'./

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:54:46:609]: Note: 1: 1708

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:54:46:609]: Note: 1: 2729

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:54:46:609]: Note: 1: 2729

    MSI (s) (58:74) [23:54:46:609]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (64-bit) -- Installation failed.

    This looks promising. I just need to figure out where to find the msp files and give that a try.

    I'm wondering if there may be a permissions issue that prevented the files from being copied there automatically during the running of the install of the service pack.

  • This looks promising. I just need to figure out where to find the msp files and give that a try.

    I'm wondering if there may be a permissions issue that prevented the files from being copied there automatically during the running of the install of the service pack.

    You'll get that file in "\hotfixsql\files" folder in the SP3 setup executable...


  • This may be a dumb question, how do I get to the files in the exe file? I've never had to do that before.

  • Lynn Pettis (12/26/2008)


    Actually, no I haven't. A friend of mine did some research and it seems that there have been a few others that have had similiar issues with a multi-instance update.

    I have applied SP3 to 2 multi-instance servers so far with no issues, so I am really curious what you find out with this. I am applying it to 2 more multi-instance servers Thursday as well when I patch the rest of my environment.

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  • Okay, still having a problem. I did find one difference in the registry entries between the system that SP 3 installed successfully and the one where it didn't. On the one that it failed, there was a missing key /Software/Policies/Microsoft/Windows/Installer was missing, and couldn't be opened.

    Unfortunately, I don't think that was actually the problem. I just rebooted the server and tried again, it failed.

    Does anyone have someone they could "ping" at Microsoft and ask what they think of the following while I continue to search and "Google" to see if I can find anything elsewhere?

    01/06/2009 10:54:59.937 Copy Engine: Error, unable to install MSP file: d:\8ccd0d6f72476912dc269818a1\HotFixSQL\Files\sqlrun_sql.msp

    01/06/2009 10:54:59.937 The following exception occurred: Unable to install Windows Installer MSP file Date: 01/06/2009 10:54:59.937 File: \depot\sqlvault\stable\setupmainl1\setup\sqlse\sqlsedll\copyengine.cpp Line: 807

    All help is appreciated.

  • I thought I had an idea for a bit, but I was wrong. The system where SP 3 loaded still has the BUILTIN\Administrators login, however, the named instance on the server where it is failing also has it even though the default instance doesn't. If SP 3 had loaded on the named instance, then I might have had something, but back to doing MORE searching.

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 71 total)

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