Sql Server 2005 navarchar to IN

  • I have a nvarchar value something like '1,3,5,6', in my database table

    But I want to use this in a where condition, something like this where event_id IN (1,3,5,6)

    How do I achieve that, How can I convert it and use in the IN of a query

    I tried something like this but, I need to use a little complicated query in the SET @sql section and it is not allowing me to execute the below

    DECLARE @val nvarchar(20), @sql nvarchar(100)

    SET @val = '1,3,5,6'

    SET @sql = 'SELECT TOP 20 a.aa, a.bb, a.cc, a.dd, c.pp, a.ee FROM a LEFT OUTER JOIN b ON a.ff= b.ff LEFT OUTER JOIN c ON a.gg= c.gg WHERE len(a.aa) > 0 AND b.aa IN ('+@val +') AND a.xx= 1'

    It is giving the following error -'The multi-part identifier "a.aa" could not be bound.' and so on for each column in the select statement, please advice

  • You are on the right track with using dynamic sql to deal with the IN portion of the query.

    The error you're receiving means the engine cannot find a column you're referencing. Since I cannot see your schema there is not much I can do for you, other than to ask for table definitions for a, b and c so we can see where your dynamic query goes awry.

    As an aside, is b.aa a numeric-typed column?

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  • I am able to fig-out and fix it

    not sure why but the issue is

    The query is not executing if I write SET @sql =

    but its working when I change to EXEC ('SELECT TOP 20 a.aa, a.bb, a.cc, a.dd, c.pp, a.ee FROM a LEFT OUTER JOIN b ON a.ff= b.ff LEFT OUTER JOIN c ON a.gg= c.gg WHERE len(a.aa) > 0 AND b.aa IN ('+@val +') AND a.xx= 1')

    Thank you

  • Another debugging tip, select your sql before you execute it so you can tell what it is you are going to run.

    SELECT @sql


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  • No problem...happy you got it sorted.

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