SQL Server 2005, ConnectionCheckForData error

  • I have a problem running my app on a machine where SQL Server 2005 with CU4 installed (on Windows 2003).

    If I connect my app to a remote SQL server, my queries are executed correctly.

    If I connect an app from other desktops to SQL 2005, the same queries are executed correctly.

    I tried different protocols (Shared memory, Named pipes). It seems that Shared Memory is the most fragile: my app fails within 5-10 mins. A connection using Named Pipes can stay up longer.

    An error is [ODBC SQL Server Driver] [protocol_name] ConnectionCheckForData (CheckData()).

    Any help would be appriciated.

  • Shared Memory should be for local connections only. You should be using TCP Sockets for your app.

    I don't see the problem. You say queries are correct either way.

  • Yes, I ONLY have a problem for local connections.

    I can't get the app ON THE LOCAL SQL server to run. Connections are dropped at random.

    I tried with Shared Memory, then forced my connection to use Named pipes by creating an alias via Client Nework Utility. Same result (though Shared Memory disconnects faster).

    DBCC CHECKDB did not find any problems with the db.

    The remote connections are always fine.

    Thank you.

  • Maybe there is a problem with ODBC connection. Try to open ODBC (windows start\control panel\administrative tools\data source ODBC ).

    Delete previous defination and make a new one as your database table structure.


    Julie Bunavicz

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