SQL SERVER 2005 Collation

  • Friends,

    I have a Database on a Development Server with collation Settings

    "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" . Now i moved this Database to Newly installed Test Server. But Collation of the Test Server is "Latin1_General_CI_AI".

    I am trying to execute the Stored Procedures with input parameters.

    This is giving the following Error

    "Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "Latin1_General_CI_AI" in the equal to operation. "

    So, as the collation is different ,i tried to change the collation of System Databases ( Master, Model. Temp, MSDB) to


    It is not allowing to Alter that Collation changes.

    Can anybody tell whether it is possible to change system Databases Collation or any other method to fix this problem.

  • I think you might have to re-install it with the old collation name. I am not sure if you could just run the install and made the collation selection change. I am sure you could uninstall and then re-install since it is a new box with nothing on it.


  • Hi

    If you do not want to reinstall then you can change the collation of the database. Whenever you create a new db you will have the server collation as the default and you will have to change it.

    "Keep Trying"

  • I had the same problem, I couldn't change the collation and I've learned to do

    select * from tableA join tableB on tableA.fieldA collate [....] = tableB.fieldB


    select * from tableA where fieldA in (Select fieldB collate [....] from tableB)

    I hope this helps!

  • You can rebuild system databases in Sql 2005 and specify the collation as well using the below command,

    start /wait CD or DVD Drive\setup.exe /qn INSTANCENAME=MSSQLSERVER REINSTALL=SQL_Engine REBUILDDATABASE=1 SAPWD=NewStrongPassword SQLCOLLATION=NewSystemCollation

    But before proceeding with that you need to script all the logins, jobs, take a backup of all your dts packages and to be on the safer side take a full backup of all the user databases as well. After rebuilding check the collation of the system databases and see if they are as desired. Then run the scripts to recreate all the logins, jobs etc..

    [font="Verdana"]- Deepak[/font]

  • just for info those 2 collations are kinda the same settings, however you get one when the default language of the machine is set to US and the other when its correctly (assuming your in the UK) been set to UK.

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