SQL Server 2005 64-bit - fetch data from Oracle

  • Hi!

    We have a server with Windows 2003 Standard 64-bit & SQL Server 2005 Enterprise 64-bit and want to fetch data from Oracle 8.

    Oracle Client 10 is installed with the 64-bit driver 'Oracle.OLEDB'.

    In our previous server (which was 32-bit) we use Microsoft OLE DB for Oracle driver.


    1. Is it true that there is no 64-bit Oracle driver from Microsoft?

    2. If 1 is true, will there be one and if so when?

    3. I have succeded in making a linked server with Oracles driver but how do I get it to work in Integration Services?

    4. Is there any other driver we can use??

    5. Can I use the 32-bit Microsoft OLE DB Driver for Oracle on this server??

    Please help!


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Were you able to find any answer on this topic?

  • Here is the best single discussion of 64-bit, SSIS and Oracle connectivity that I have found....



  • I had a similar problem with connecting an SSIS package on a 64 bit server to Pervasive.SQL using 32 bit drivers. 


    1) Build the package in 32 bit mode.  

    2) Register the pervasive oledb drivers using the 32 bit regsvr32. 

    3) Use 32 bit ODBC admin utility to create odbc connections.

    Path to 32 bit version of odbc admin and regsvr



  • Thanks for your concern!

    No, there is no 64-bit Microsoft driver for Oracle and there will be none according to Microsoft.

    I have installed both 32- and 64-bit Oracle drivers for OLE DB on our development/test server(read why in interesting link above, or search MS for 64-bit SSIS or SSAS) but only 64-bit in Production.


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