SQL Server 2000 - SQL Mail

  • SQL Server 2000 - SQL Mail does not work. We do not have Exchange Server. Any ideas are appriciated.



  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • If you do not have exchange, sql mail does not work in SQL Server 2000.

    You can use this SP (just with SMTP servers) which was priorly posted here (should still be in here somewhere). I am currently using this one and I personally think it is great...

    /****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.SendSMTPMail Script Date: 2006-05-15 16:53:55 ******/

    ALTER Procedure dbo.SendSMTPMail

    @vcTo varchar(2048) = null,

    @vcBody varchar(8000) = '',

    @vcSubject varchar(255) = null,

    @vcAttachments varchar(1024) = null,

    @vcQuery varchar(8000) = null,

    @vcFrom varchar(128) = null,

    @vcCC varchar(2048) = '',

    @vcBCC varchar(2048) = '',

    @vcSMTPServer varchar(255) = 'mySMTPServer', -- put local network smtp server name here

    @cSendUsing char(1) = '2',

    @vcPort varchar(3) = '25',

    @cAuthenticate char(1) = '0',

    @vcDSNOptions varchar(2) = '0',

    @vcTimeout varchar(2) = '30',

    @vcSenderName varchar(128) = null,

    @vcServerName sysname = null



    --Name : sp_SQLSMTPMail

    --Server : Generic

    --Description : SQL smtp e-mail using CDOSYS, OLE Automation and a

    -- network smtp server; For SQL Servers running on

    -- windows 2000.


    --Note : Be sure to set the default for @vcSMTPServer above to

    -- the company network smtp server or you will have to

    -- pass it in each time.


    --Comments : Getting the network SMTP configured to work properly

    -- may require engaging your company network or

    -- server people who deal with the netowrk SMTP server.

    -- Some errors that the stored proc returns relate to

    -- incorrect permissions for the various SQL Servers to

    -- use the SMTP relay server to bouce out going mail.

    -- Without proper permissions the SQL server appears as

    -- a spammer to the local SMTP network server.


    --Parameters : See the 'Syntax' Print statements below or call the

    -- sp with '?' as the first input.


    --Date : 08/22/2001

    --Author : Clinton Herring


    --History :


    Set nocount on

    -- Determine if the user requested syntax.

    If @vcTo = '?'


    Print 'Syntax for sp_SQLSMTPMail (based on CDOSYS):'

    Print 'Exec master.dbo.sp_SQLSMTPMail'

    Print ' @vcTo (varchar(2048)) - Recipient e-mail address list separating each with a '';'' '

    Print ' or a '',''. Use a ''?'' to return the syntax.'

    Print ' @vcBody (varchar(8000)) - Text body; use embedded char(13) + char(10)'

    Print ' for carriage returns. The default is nothing'

    Print ' @vcSubject (varchar(255))) - E-mail subject. The default is a message from'

    Print ' @@servername.'

    Print ' @vcAttachments (varchar(1024)) - Attachment list separating each with a '';''.'

    Print ' The default is no attachments.'

    Print ' @vcQuery (varchar(8000)) - In-line query or a query file path; do not '

    Print ' use double quotes within the query.'

    Print ' @vcFrom (varchar(128)) - Sender list defaulted to @@ServerName.'

    Print ' @vcCC (varchar(2048)) - CC list separating each with a '';'' or a '','''

    Print ' The default is no CC addresses.'

    Print ' @vcBCC (varchar(2048)) - Blind CC list separating each with a '';'' or a '','''

    Print ' The default is no BCC addresses.'

    Print ' @vcSMTPServer (varchar(255)) - Network smtp server defaulted to your companies network'

    Print ' smtp server. Set this in the stored proc code.'

    Print ' @cSendUsing (char(1)) - Specifies the smpt server method, local or network. The'

    Print ' default is network, a value of ''2''.'

    Print ' @vcPort (varchar(3)) - The smtp server communication port defaulted to ''25''.'

    Print ' @cAuthenticate (char(1)) - The smtp server authentication method defaulted to '

    Print ' anonymous, a value of ''0''.'

    Print ' @vcDSNOptions (varchar(2)) - The smtp server delivery status defaulted to none,'

    Print ' a value of ''0''.'

    Print ' @vcTimeout (varchar(2)) - The smtp server connection timeout defaulted to 30 seconds.'

    Print ' @vcSenderName (varchar(128)) - Primary sender name defaulted to @@ServerName.'

    Print ' @vcServerName (sysname) - SQL Server to which the query is directed defaulted'

    Print ' to @@ServerName.'

    Print ''

    Print ''

    Print 'Example:'

    Print 'sp_SQLSMTPMail '''', ''This is a test'', @vcSMTPServer = '

    Print ''

    Print 'The above example will send an smpt e-mail to from @@ServerName'

    Print 'with a subject of ''Message from SQL Server '' and a'

    Print 'text body of ''This is a test'' using the network smtp server specified.'

    Print 'See the MSDN online library, Messaging and Collaboration, at '

    Print 'http://www.msdn.microsoft.com/library/ for details about CDOSYS.'

    Print 'subheadings: Messaging and Collaboration>Collaboration Data Objects>CDO for Windows 2000>'

    Print 'Reference>Fields>http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/>smtpserver field'

    Print ''

    Print 'Be sure to set the default for @vcSMTPServer before compiling this stored procedure.'

    Print ''



    -- Declare variables

    Declare @iMessageObjId int

    Declare @iHr int

    Declare @iRtn int

    Declare @iFileExists tinyint

    Declare @vcCmd varchar(255)

    Declare @vcQueryOutPath varchar(50)

    Declare @dtDatetime datetime

    Declare @vcErrMssg varchar(255)

    Declare @vcAttachment varchar(1024)

    Declare @iPos int

    Declare @vcErrSource varchar(255)

    Declare @vcErrDescription varchar(255)

    -- Set local variables.

    Set @dtDatetime = getdate()

    Set @iHr = 0

    -- Check for minimum parameters.

    If @vcTo is null


    Set @vcErrMssg = 'You must supply at least 1 recipient.'

    Goto ErrMssg


    -- CDOSYS uses commas to separate recipients. Allow users to use

    -- either a comma or a semi-colon by replacing semi-colons in the

    -- To, CCs and BCCs.

    Select @vcTo = Replace(@vcTo, ';', ',')

    Select @vcCC = Replace(@vcCC, ';', ',')

    Select @vcBCC = Replace(@vcBCC, ';', ',')

    -- Set the default SQL Server to the local SQL Server if one

    -- is not provided to accommodate instances in SQL 2000.

    If @vcServerName is null

    Set @vcServerName = @@servername

    -- Set a default "subject" if one is not provided.

    If @vcSubject is null

    Set @vcSubject = 'Message from SQL Server ' + @vcServerName

    -- Set a default "from" if one is not provided.

    If @vcFrom is null

    Set @vcFrom = 'SQL-' + Replace(@vcServerName,'\','_')

    -- Set a default "sender name" if one is not provided.

    If @vcSenderName is null

    Set @vcSenderName = 'SQL-' + Replace(@vcServerName,'\','_')

    -- Create the SMTP message object.

    EXEC @iHr = sp_OACreate 'CDO.Message', @iMessageObjId OUT

    IF @iHr 0


    Set @vcErrMssg = 'Error creating object CDO.Message.'

    Goto ErrMssg


    -- Set SMTP message object parameters.

    -- To

    EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId, 'To', @vcTo

    IF @iHr 0


    Set @vcErrMssg = 'Error setting Message parameter "To".'

    Goto ErrMssg


    -- Subject

    EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId, 'Subject', @vcSubject

    IF @iHr 0


    Set @vcErrMssg = 'Error setting Message parameter "Subject".'

    Goto ErrMssg


    -- From

    EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId, 'From', @vcFrom

    IF @iHr 0


    Set @vcErrMssg = 'Error setting Message parameter "From".'

    Goto ErrMssg


    -- CC

    EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId, 'CC', @vcCC

    IF @iHr 0


    Set @vcErrMssg = 'Error setting Message parameter "CC".'

    Goto ErrMssg


    -- BCC

    EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId, 'BCC', @vcBCC

    IF @iHr 0


    Set @vcErrMssg = 'Error setting Message parameter "BCC".'

    Goto ErrMssg


    -- DSNOptions

    EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId, 'DSNOptions', @vcDSNOptions

    IF @iHr 0


    Set @vcErrMssg = 'Error setting Message parameter "DSNOptions".'

    Goto ErrMssg


    -- Sender

    EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId, 'Sender', @vcSenderName

    IF @iHr 0


    Set @vcErrMssg = 'Error setting Message parameter "Sender".'

    Goto ErrMssg


    -- Is there a query to run?

    If @vcQuery is not null and @vcQuery ''


    -- We have a query result to include; temporarily send the output to the

    -- drive with the most free space. Use xp_fixeddrives to determine this.

    -- If a temp table exists with the following name drop it.

    If (Select object_id('tempdb.dbo.#fixeddrives')) > 0

    Exec ('Drop table #fixeddrives')

    -- Create a temp table to work with xp_fixeddrives.

    Create table #fixeddrives(

    Drive char(1) null,

    FreeSpace varchar(15) null)

    -- Get the fixeddrive info.

    Insert into #fixeddrives Exec master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives

    -- Get the drive letter of the drive with the most free space

    -- Note: The OSQL output file name must be unique for each call within the same session.

    -- Apparently OSQL does not release its lock on the first file created until the session ends.

    -- Hence this alleviates a problem with queries from multiple calls in a cursor or other loop.

    Select @vcQueryOutPath = Drive + ':\TempQueryOut' +

    ltrim(str(datepart(hh,getdate()))) +

    ltrim(str(datepart(mi,getdate()))) +

    ltrim(str(datepart(ss,getdate()))) +

    ltrim(str(datepart(ms,getdate()))) + '.txt'

    from #fixeddrives

    where FreeSpace = (select max(FreeSpace) from #fixeddrives )

    -- Check for a pattern of '\\*\' or '?:\'.

    -- If found assume the query is a file path.

    If Left(@vcQuery, 35) like '\\%\%' or Left(@vcQuery, 5) like '_:\%'


    Select @vcCmd = 'osql /S' + @vcServerName + ' /E /i' +

    convert(varchar(1024),@vcQuery) +

    ' /o' + @vcQueryOutPath + ' -n -w5000 '




    Select @vcCmd = 'osql /S' + @vcServerName + ' /E /Q"' + @vcQuery +

    '" /o' + @vcQueryOutPath + ' -n -w5000 '


    -- Execute the query

    Exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @vcCmd, no_output

    -- Add the query results as an attachment if the file was successfully created.

    -- Check to see if the file exists. Use xp_fileexist to determine this.

    -- If a temp table exists with the following name drop it.

    If (Select object_id('tempdb.dbo.#fileexists')) > 0

    Exec ('Drop table #fileexists')

    -- Create a temp table to work with xp_fileexist.

    Create table #fileexists(

    FileExists tinyint null,

    FileIsDirectory tinyint null,

    ParentDirectoryExists tinyint null)

    -- Execute xp_fileexist

    Insert into #fileexists exec master.dbo.xp_fileexist @vcQueryOutPath

    -- Now see if we need to add the file as an attachment

    If (select FileExists from #fileexists) = 1


    -- Set a variable for later use to delete the file.

    Select @iFileExists = 1

    -- Add the file path to the attachment variable.

    If @vcAttachments is null

    Select @vcAttachments = @vcQueryOutPath


    Select @vcAttachments = @vcAttachments + '; ' + @vcQueryOutPath



    -- Check for multiple attachments separated by a semi-colon ';'.

    If @vcAttachments is not null


    If right(@vcAttachments,1) ';'

    Select @vcAttachments = @vcAttachments + '; '

    Select @iPos = CharIndex(';', @vcAttachments, 1)

    While @iPos > 0


    Select @vcAttachment = ltrim(rtrim(substring(@vcAttachments, 1, @iPos -1)))

    Select @vcAttachments = substring(@vcAttachments, @iPos + 1, Len(@vcAttachments)-@iPos)

    EXEC @iHr = sp_OAMethod @iMessageObjId, 'AddAttachment', @iRtn Out, @vcAttachment

    IF @iHr 0


    EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @iMessageObjId, @vcErrSource Out, @vcErrDescription Out

    Select @vcBody = @vcBody + char(13) + char(10) + char(13) + char(10) +

    char(13) + char(10) + 'Error adding attachment: ' +

    char(13) + char(10) + @vcErrSource + char(13) + char(10) +



    Select @iPos = CharIndex(';', @vcAttachments, 1)



    -- TextBody

    EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId, 'TextBody', @vcBody

    IF @iHr 0


    Set @vcErrMssg = 'Error setting Message parameter "TextBody".'

    Goto ErrMssg


    -- Other Message parameters for reference

    --EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId, 'MimeFormatted', False

    --EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId, 'AutoGenerateTextBody', False

    --EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId, 'MDNRequested', True

    -- Set SMTP Message configuration property values.

    -- Network SMTP Server location

    EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId,



    IF @iHr 0


    Set @vcErrMssg = 'Error setting Message configuraton field "smtpserver".'

    Goto ErrMssg


    -- Sendusing

    EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId,



    IF @iHr 0


    Set @vcErrMssg = 'Error setting Message configuraton field "sendusing".'

    Goto ErrMssg


    -- SMTPConnectionTimeout

    EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId,



    IF @iHr 0


    Set @vcErrMssg = 'Error setting Message configuraton field "SMTPConnectionTimeout".'

    Goto ErrMssg


    -- SMTPServerPort

    EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId,



    IF @iHr 0


    Set @vcErrMssg = 'Error setting Message configuraton field "SMTPServerPort".'

    Goto ErrMssg


    -- SMTPAuthenticate

    EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId,



    IF @iHr 0


    Set @vcErrMssg = 'Error setting Message configuraton field "SMTPAuthenticate".'

    Goto ErrMssg


    -- Other Message Configuration fields for reference

    --EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId,


    --EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId,


    --EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId,

    --'Configuration.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/SendEmailAddress").Value', 'Test User'

    --EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId,


    --EXEC @iHr = sp_OASetProperty @iMessageObjId,


    -- Update the Message object fields and configuration fields.

    EXEC @iHr = sp_OAMethod @iMessageObjId, 'Configuration.Fields.Update'

    IF @iHr 0


    Set @vcErrMssg = 'Error updating Message configuration fields.'

    Goto ErrMssg


    EXEC @iHr = sp_OAMethod @iMessageObjId, 'Fields.Update'

    IF @iHr 0


    Set @vcErrMssg = 'Error updating Message parameters.'

    Goto ErrMssg


    -- Send the message.

    EXEC @iHr = sp_OAMethod @iMessageObjId, 'Send'

    IF @iHr 0


    Set @vcErrMssg = 'Error Sending e-mail.'

    Goto ErrMssg



    Print 'Mail sent.'


    -- Destroy the object and return.

    EXEC @iHr = sp_OADestroy @iMessageObjId

    --EXEC @iHr = sp_OAStop

    -- Delete the query output file if one exists.

    If @iFileExists = 1


    Select @vcCmd = 'del ' + @vcQueryOutPath

    Exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @vcCmd, no_output





    Print @vcErrMssg

    If @iHr 0


    EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @iMessageObjId, @vcErrSource Out, @vcErrDescription Out

    Print @vcErrSource

    Print @vcErrDescription


    -- Determine whether to exist or go to Cleanup.

    If @vcErrMssg = 'Error creating object CDO.Message.'



    Goto Cleanup



  • I installed and configured Outlook on the machine and the email features worked just fine. 


  • Yes. That is because your Outlook is using Exchange

  • Do have a look at this article:



    Outlook 2000 works with either an Exchange server or an Internet mail server. You must have Outlook 2000 installed with the Corporate or Workgroup option for it to work with SQL Mail. The MAPI subsystem installed in the IMO mode (...) provides minimal MAPI support for the basic functionality of Microsoft Outlook and will _not_ work with SQL Mail. For additional information about the IMO option:

    http://support.microsoft.com/kb/252720/ - MAPI and CDO are not supported in Outlook IMO mode

  • Yes, you can use SQL Server Mail without Exchange: I've done it. We don't have Exchange at my company, we use Sun iPlanet for email, with some accounts having POP/SMTP access as well.

    I've done this on both a Windows NT box running SQL 2000 SP3 and a Windows 2003 box running SQL 2000 SP3.

    Here are the hilights:

    SQLServer AND SQLServer agent services must be set to start up using an account, either local or on the domain, it doesn't matter.  It works better if both use the same account.   This account needs to be a local administrator on the machine.

    You need to install Outlook 2000 on the server.  No other version will work.   Outlook Express won't work.  Any other MAPI mail wont work.

    Log in to your server locally using the same account SQL and SQL Server Agent are running.  Configure Outlook to send / receive mail using whatever account you desire.

    Set up the server to automatically log into the console on startup using the account SQL Server & SQL Server Agent are using.

    Set up Outlook to automatically start when Windows Starts for this account ONLY.  Set Outlook to send / Receive mail more frequently if desired.  You may have to enable Outlook to allow automation (MAPI).

    In the properties of SQL Server agent, you need to select the mail profile to use.  There should only be one listed.

    Go ahead and test.

    Yes this means you will have to leave your console logged in and yes Outlook needs to remain running, but IT DOES WORK.

  • This is interesting!

    I must surely try this. Thanx for the tip!

  • take a look at blat (www.blat.net)

  • I do not really see the connection between SQL Mail and that product. Unless you start fiddeling about with the system SPs for SQL Mail and it is still just for sending...

  • with Blat, you don't need SQL Mail (ie. outlook/exchange) it uses SMTP.  But you do need permission to use xp_cmdshell

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