SQL Server 2000 Replication Problem

  • The replication agents run in the security context of SQL Server Agent. The account used for SQL Server Agent must have permission to read from the share that is used to store the snapshot file. The error message clearly says that it does not have sufficient permission.

    During the configuration of replication/publication you would have received a warning about using the share (although initially this warning would have been for something like E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\ReplData\unc).

    You should create a share on the folder E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\ReplData that is readable and writable by the account you are using for SQL Server Agent.

    HAve a look at the article "Generating the Initial Snapshot" in books online for more information about this.

  • Hi,

    I think Authentication problem solved. But now i am receiving the following error.


    Source: PKKHIWS1007

    Number: 3726

    Message: Could not drop object 'Customers' because it is referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.

  • At the initial snapshot, the tables at the subscribers will get dropped to ensure a match with the publication.

    The drop is prevented by the foreign key. Either remove the table manually or remove the foreign keys so the table can be dropped and recreated.

  • Hi,

    Unless you are making changes at a subscriber, why do you need FKs on your subscriber.

    You would definitely need to drop them before re-applying your snapshot.


  • Hi All,

    Thanks for your kind support. problem has been resolved.

    As i am using replication on WAN therefore i am shifting to Transactional Replication and its working fine so far. but getting some issues will discuss later.

    Thanks all again !!!! 🙂


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