SQL Server 2000: How to copy database maintenance plans from one server to another

  • Does anyone know how to copy database maintenance plans (not just the underlying jobs) from one server to another ?

  • Hi,

    In SQL 2000 you can use the Data Transformation Task  and create a package with the transform job task and I think all the jobs created by Maintenance plan can be transfered from one server to another (source to destination)



  • I don't think the Maintenance Plan (ie: job metadata) gets transferred with it's job(s) though..

  • I think that you can. Look at the three tables in the msdb.

    sysjobs, sysdbmaintplan_jobs, and sysdbmaintplans.

    Join these tables with necessary criteria and export to your target server.

    An example of snippet is:

    SELECT * FROM sysjobs sj, sysdbmaintplan_jobs sdj, sysdbmaintplans sdp

    WHERE sj.job_id = sdj.job_id AND sdj.plan_id = sdp.plan_id AND plan_name = 'DB Maintenance Plan1'

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