sql server 2000 data to db2?

  • hi folks,

    not sure if this is the right place for this post....


    my company has a time management system running on sql server 2000.  however the main company system is SAP which is running on db2/as400.

    i somehow need to get the contents of a stored proc/table or view replicated into a table on the db2/as400 so that i can access the data from sap.. (SAP on db2 will not interact directly with sql server databases.)

    can anyone give me any clues?

    do i push the table/view etc from sql into db2 or do i pull it from te as400?

    does anyone have any experience of this?

    thanks, drew.

  • Check out 'sp_addlinkedserver' in SQL Books Online

  • We have a linked server to a DB2/As400 using an ODBC and can pull data fine.  Never tried a push, but it probably depends on the driver.  We also us an OLE DB driver called HiT to push data to an AS400, but it's also supposed to be able to push to DB2 as well.  Not too expensive if you want to check it out http://www.hitsw.com/


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