SQL Server 2000 and log shipping

  • We are starting to look at a duplicate facility for our data center for recovery purposes. My question after reading the Microsoft White paper on Log Shipping is what are peoples comfort level with SQL Server 2000 and log shipping. How easy is it to setup, administer, applying service packs, reliability of log shipping over a connection and not failing, temporarily disabling log shipping and then restarting it. Any help would be appreciated.

  • I have found log shipping to be very reliable on the two projects I worked on. If there were ever any issues mostly related to the network availability, since one of them was over WAN. If you are doing LAN logshipping for redundancy, then there should be no issues.

  • Which Version from SQL Server 2000 did you use?

  • I have a requirement to duplicate the database on the WAN?

    What is the way to go about it. Our main concern is data integrity should not be lost?



  • I think log shipping is a solution for high availability. But i think its good for replication. I must implement high availability with two servers but i dont get an sql server enterprise.

  • I used it on one project.  It had a few problems in set up (you had to be very careful on most steps and starting over could be a pain).


    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • Never had a problem with it, and I have used it extensively, although there are a couple of small pitfalls that you have to look out for when setting it up (mainly to do with the log shipping monitor).

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • and which version from sql server 2000 ? standard or enterprise ?

  • You have to have Enterprise Edition to do Log Shipping.

    My questions arise after reading the Microsoft White Paper... It says how to setup the databases for Log shipping but it does not say how to make the live server know its going to do log shipping, how do you temporaily disconnect log shipping to apply service packs... which order to do them in, does it matter... how to make the receiving SQL Server be the live one in the event of a disaster, how to switch this back, what the monitor server does, what location is it best to have it in, what is its complete purpose... etc. 

  • You can logship using any edition of SQL, however you would have to cerate the scripts yourself to do it.

    Once you bring up the database in standby mode on the remote server you just use the maintenance plan wizard to create the logshipping, you just need the unc paths for the shares etc.

    To stop log shipping for any length of time you can just disable the jobs that you will find on the local server to dump the trans logs. Always apply the sp to the main (originating) node before the copy.

    To make the receiving server live you would just restore the most recent log with recovery. This will bring your db live. To go back to the other server you would set it up as the recipient of logshipping and than find a convenient time to cut back the way you cutover.

    The monitor server monitors all logshipping, there can be only one (very highlander-ish), you can make this any server, however it makes most sense to make it the primary backup node that you are logshipping to.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • i have read that the microsoft backoffice resource kit, has the same wizards inside but i have these information only for version 7.0 (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnsqlmag02/html/LogShippinginSQLServer2000Part2.asp) , is this also correct for sql 2000?

  • "You can logship using any edition of SQL, however you would have to cerate the scripts yourself to do it."

    I'm interested in giving this a try having done something similar in the past with Oracle (who then at least only charged 25% of the license fee for the hot standby box - but then Oracle licenses are pricey compared to SQL anyway).

    I'm thinking of maybe a set of scripts / services to ensure that log file backups are created, copied to the standby box and then another set to apply them. Hopefully the box is then ready to run at a reasonably recent point within about 20 minutes of decalring a major problem.

    Has anyone done anything like this using SQL Server Standard? How did you do it and how did it measure up?

  • I've done it and it works fine, all of the functionality of SQL logshipping is simple to create.

    You just create a job to backup the translog to disk, then to copy it to the remote server.

    On the remote server create a job to apply the log to the standby database. You can even add information like the file times etc to ensure that you don't start falling behind.

    I believe there is a script somewhere in the forums for doing this, you can look for it, save you the task of having to do it manually.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • Thanks - that sounds great, I'll look for that script.

  • inform u please, if you find it.

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