November 15, 2011 at 3:56 am
configure AWE on your existing 32 bit server, this will increase the upper limit of RAM that the server can address, that way you can assign more than 4GB of RAM to your SQL instances
If you want to go down the VM route I would NEVER install any VM software on a SQL machine, get a different box to host your VM's and do it with Hyper-V or VMWare
If you want 64bit OS without VM's, get two different servers one 32bit for your SQL 2000 server the other 64bit for your SQL 2005 instances
November 15, 2011 at 4:02 am
When you say that i can configure AWE, do you mean configure it at OS level or at SQL Server level? AWE is a parameter of the OS or SQL Server?
November 15, 2011 at 4:10 am
google the /PAE and /3GB switch for windows boot.ini file as depending on what RAM configuration you need both or just one
then you need to enable AWE in SQL
but you have to think, you have 8GB of RAM in the box, with PAE 3GB windows is limited from 2GB to 1GB so you have 7GB roughly to play with, 4 instances so your looking at what 1.5GB for each instance, with 1GB wiggle room should any instance need more memory. your not going to give each instance the max memory of 6GB as that would be stupid, so google AWE in SQL and see if you need to enable it should you give SQL less than 4GB of RAM
I dont know the answer to if SQL has less than 4GB RAM if you need to enable AWE as we dont do multi instance servers.
We need to comply with the highest level of PCI standards, which means one server one job so we dont do multi instances incase the auditors say its a breach of the standards.
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