SQL Server 2000

  • One comment about the forum. I've noticed the distinct shift to SQL Server 2005. I really think SQL 2005 is a great improment over SQL 2005. What I'm concerned with is the lack of forums for SQL 2000. There are quite a few of us out here still limping along with 2000 as our primary development environment.

    I'm not sure this warrants a seperation as I surely find posts about SQL 2000 throughout the forum; however, I wonder if the emphasis on 2005 has short shrifted 2000.

    Just my 2 bits. . .

  • I'm not sure I follow you. There is a set of forums for SQL Server 7 & 2000 and a set of forums for SQL Server 2005. Yes, sometimes posters don't pay attention to where they are posting, but that doesn't mean the appropriate forum doesn't exist.

    BTW- there is a typo in your post that you might want to edit. (and I don't mean about the mispelling of improvement).

    Quote: I really think SQL 2005 is a great improment over SQL 2005.


  • There is probably an identical post somewhere on these forums when a shift occurred to SQL Server 2000 from SQL Server 7.

    I too am still using 2000, not sure when we will migrate to 2005.  But I continue to read here daily.  Much of the information applies to both.  That which does not, I usually just pass over.

    But I find it surprising that someone thinks that there is not enough 2000 information here.  You've got around seven years of information here and on the web.  New articles and posts tend to be about new products, features and discoveries.


  • Yesterday when I visited the forum site, for some reason everything below the 2005 was not there or at least did not show up on my screen. So I can only deduce the page didn't show or fully populate.

    As far as the spelling goes, I'll make sure I type slower and go back to school and have my Katholic teecher fex that for mee. wiz za ruler. .

  • EM,

    Don't take too much offense...I was only trying to point out your comment that "SQL 2005 is a great improment over SQL 2005". How can SQL 2005 be better than itself? And I did say that I wasn't pointing out the mispelling.


  • I feel the forum caters enough for SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005. Whenever a product has a upgraded version released and people start using it, they come across new features and also few issues may prompt people to be skeptical whether to use them or not to... and some features may need little research to get aquainted with them. So it is natural that we see more questions and posts requesting solutions and opinions on new versions.

    But I believe most of the posts under SQL Server 7 and 2000 are also answered duly by the experts.

    This is just to share my feeling



    Prasad Bhogadi

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