SQL Server

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item SQL Server

  • Just imagine SQL Server running on UNIX wow!


    Kurt W. Zimmerman
    SR DBA
    Lefrak Organization
    New York, NY


  • I'll be a grouch on this: 'taint funny, McGee! (or McGehee...)

    MS SQL Server, which was once not much more than a bad joke, is today one of the great database servers of the world.

    But it is the ONLY one of the majors (DB2, Oracle, Sybase) that can run on only one operating system. Worse, it tends to assume the client is also a Windows server or desktop.

    I knew it was an April Fool gag, but chose to take the point hit with the answer (not very competitive, am I?) Because it just isn't funny, not now that SQL Server really can run with the rest of the pack. As long as its Windows.

    Roger L Reid

  • Hey Steve, it snice question..

    if SQL Server runs on Unix ..Wow..

    Thanks -- Vijaya Kadiyala


  • I'm glad SQL Server only runs on Windows platform. Some bozo in our company insisted we install DB2 on Windows, even though we have tons of iSeries servers. Talking about nightmare...:crazy:

  • Then again, why not? Windows NT was built with a Hardware Abstraction Layer underneath it, so all you need is a HAL that runs on Solaris machines or whatever plus a version of NT for that hardware, and no code changes would be necessary in SQL? Or am I simplifying things here?

    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing (Alexander Pope)
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  • I answered this question on april 2nd, and dreaming SQL Server real port to linux or unix one day, so... 😛

    And It's a pity that I lost that 12 points! But also dreaming...one day:hehe:

  • Belated Fool's day 🙂

  • I found out yesterday that our future is off of SQL Server, because we're headed for Linux for a variety of reasons... including SEAM.

    From that point of view, I'd say the joke's on Microsoft.

    Humor is appreciated, in any case 😉

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