sql script for report

  • Thank you for any assistance you can lend in creating a sql statement for my report. It seems simple but I have not been able to get it in a day and a half and I'm not any closer than when I started.

    My table has the following fields (among others):





    I am tring to create a report that is grouped by Month/Year that shows the sum(LoanAmount) and count of loans that closed and the sum(LoanAmount) and count of loan applications.

    My column headers would look something like this:


    total Loan amount of loans closed

    Count of loans closed

    Total Loan amount of Applications

    Count of applications

    Thanks for looking at this.  Paul

  • I imagine you have been experimenting with various GROUP BY and HAVING clauses on the Date fields yes? Tricky business. What I would do here is to cheat a bit. I would create a table called ReportingMonths like this:

    create table ReportingMonths (

    StartDate datetime,

    EndDate datetime 


    I would then populate it thus:

    insert into Reporting Months ( StartDate )

    select '20040101','20040131' union

    select '20040201','20040229' union

    -- etc etc

    Now the report query is easily done using correlated subqueries:


    cast(month(StartDate) as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(year(StartDate) as varchar(4)) as mmyy,

    (select sum(LoanAmount) from Loan where ClosingDate between StartDate and EndDate) as LoanAmountClosed,

    (select count(LoanNumber) from Loan where ClosingDate between StartDate and EndDate) as LoansClosed,

    (select sum(LoanAmount) from Loan where ApplicationDate between StartDate and EndDate) as LoanAmountApplied,

    (select count(LoanNumber) from Loan where ApplicationDate between StartDate and EndDate) as LoansApplied

    from ReportingMonths

    where StartDate between -- whatever reporting range you want

    order by StartDate asc


  • Try this, I have not tested but nested queries in this situation should work well.

    select mm/yy,

     Total Loan amount of loans closed,

     Count of loans closed,

     Total Loan amount of Applications,

      Count of applications



    select mm/yy,

     sum(Loan amount) as total Loan amount,

     count(loans closed) as count of loans closed

    from database..table

    where cloasing date = ' '

    group by mm/yy

    ) as tI

    left outer join


    select sum(Loan amount) as total loan amount of applications,

     count(applications) as count of applications

    from database..table

    group by mm/yy

    ) as tII

    on tI.mm/yy = tII.mm/yy

    order by mm/yy

  • Apologies, this should work.

    select tI.mm/yy,

     Total Loan amount of loans closed,

     Count of loans closed,

     Total Loan amount of Applications,

      Count of applications



    select mm/yy,

     sum(Loan amount) as total loan amount of applications,

     count(applications) as count of applications

    from database..table

    group by mm/yy

    ) as tI

    left outer join


    select mm/yy,

     sum(Loan amount) as total Loan amount,

     count(loans closed) as count of loans closed

    from database..table

    where closing date = ' '

    group by mm/yy

    ) as tII

    on tI.mm/yy = tII.mm/yy

    order by tI.mm/yy

  • Hello Paul,

    1. Referencing the Date Conversion documention from MSDN:

      Style Number  / Standard       / Input/Output

      20 or 120 (*) / ODBC canonical / yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss(24h)

      (*) The default values (including style 20 or 120) always return the century (yyyy).

    2. This statement gives you a useful YYYY-MM character format for reporting:

      SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR(19),ClosingDate,120),1,7) AS ReportYYYYMM

    3. With your table: LoanTable





    To create a report that is grouped by Month/Year that shows both:

    - the sum(LoanAmount) and count of loans that closed

    - the sum(LoanAmount) and count of loan applications

    you need two Selects on the Loan Table. 

    4. I suggest you create a view like this:

      CREATE VIEW LoanReportDetails AS

      SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR(19),ClosingDate,120),1,7) AS ReportYYYYMM,

       LoanAmount AS ClosedLoanAmount,

       1 AS ClosedLoanCount,

       0.00 AS ApplicationLoanAmount,

       0 AS ApplicationLoanCount

      FROM LoanTable


      SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR(19),ApplicationDate,120),1,7) AS ReportYYYYMM,

       0.00 AS ClosedLoanAmount,

       0 AS ClosedLoanCount,

       LoanAmount AS ApplicationLoanAmount,

       1 AS ApplicationLoanCount

      FROM LoanTable

    5. Then this select statement should give you what you need:


       SUM(ClosedLoanAmount) AS TotalClosedAmount,

       SUM(ClosedLoadCount) AS CountClosed,

       SUM(ApplicationLoanAmount) AS TotalApplicationAmount,

       SUM(ApplicationLoadCount) AS CountApplications

      FROM LoanReportDetails


    6. If you don't want to create the view, you can do it in one big statement:


       SUM(ClosedLoanAmount) AS TotalClosedAmount,

       SUM(ClosedLoadCount) AS CountClosed,

       SUM(ApplicationLoanAmount) AS TotalApplicationAmount,

       SUM(ApplicationLoadCount) AS CountApplications



        SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR(19),ClosingDate,120),1,7) AS ReportYYYYMM,

         LoanAmount AS ClosedLoanAmount,

         1 AS ClosedLoanCount,

         0.00 AS ApplicationLoanAmount,

         0 AS ApplicationLoanCount

        FROM LoanTable

        UNION ALL

        SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR(19),ApplicationDate,120),1,7) AS ReportYYYYMM,

         0.00 AS ClosedLoanAmount,

         0 AS ClosedLoanCount,

         LoanAmount AS ApplicationLoanAmount,

         1 AS ApplicationLoanCount

        FROM LoanTable



    Good luck with it.


    Bob Monahon

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