SQL Replication on Win 2003 Server

  • I have 2 SQL Servers.  Each installed on Win 2003 Server.  The sql servers are sp3a.  I tested replication on Win2K and everything worked fine.  However, after upgrading to 2003 server, when I run the replication wizard, I receive the below error.  The only articles I can find is "How to set up an oracle linked server."  But, I am not trying to set up an oracle server, just replication.  HELP.

    Error 7302:  Could not create an instance of OLEDB Provider "SQLOLEDB'  OLEDB Error trace [Non-Interference error.  Cocreate of DSO for SQLOLEDB returned 0x8007007f].

  • Check to make sure DTC is started before SQL Server is. There are several DTC issues and windows 2003 that will be addressed with SP1. We had simmilar issues with moving to 2003.



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