November 22, 2004 at 1:14 pm
You’re given a MerchantID
From the MerchantPayorProvider table I want those records where MerchantPayorsID is in MerchantPayors for the given MerchantID
That query would look like,
select *
from merchantpayorprovider
where merchantpayorsid in
(select merchantpayorsid
from merchantpayors
where merchantid = ?)
Then I want the PayorName from the table Payors for the given MerchantID. You can link the MerchantID to the Payor table via MerchantPayors.
This query looks like
select payorname
from payor
where PayorID in
(select payorid
from merchantpayors
where merchantid = ?)
This is what I have so far, so I want to be able to combine the two queries, if possible. Also, this does not have to be a stored proc.
Thanks fellow DBA's OR Developers!
November 22, 2004 at 1:33 pm
select merchantpayorprovider.*, Payor.Name
from merchantpayorprovider, Payor, Merchantpayors
where merchantpayorprovider.merchantpayorsid=merchantpayors.merchantid
and Payor.PayorID=merchantpayors.merchantid
November 22, 2004 at 3:14 pm
Thanks for your help!
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