SQL Query Tuning

  • I want to reduce the query execution time for the following sql query.

    it is taking 3 hrs to complete its execution.I want to reduce its execution time. Anybody help me to optimize this query.


    Environment : sqlserver2000

    TableName       RecordCount

    Tranche           3670

    CompanyTrans   250,000

    AcctEntry         750,000


    SELECT DISTINCT CompanyInstitNbr

    INTO #Comapnies

    FROM Tranche

    create table #NotMisc


    Seq int identity,

    CompanyInstitNbr integer,

    TransNbr integer,

    Combo varchar(255),

    Typ varchar(3),

    PostingDate datetime,

    MaxSeq int null,

    Acct varchar(255),

    CrDr varchar(4)


    insert into #NotMisc(CompanyInstitNbr,TransNbr,Combo,Typ,PostingDate,MaxSeq,Acct,CrDr)

    SELECT  A.CompanyInstitNbr, A.TransNbr,

     CONVERT (char (10), A.PostingDate, 111) +

      CONVERT (char (5), A.TransNbr) +

      CONVERT (char (8), A.ValueDate, 1),

     TransTypeCode ,


     CONVERT (int, NULL),

     CONVERT (char (4), AcctNbr) +

     CONVERT (char (3), SubAcctNbr) + SubAcctCode ,

     CONVERT (char (2), CONVERT (int, SIGN (AcctEntryUsdAmt + AcctEntryQty))) + '|'

    FROM CompanyTrans C, AcctEntry A, #Comapnies CS

    WHERE CS.CompanyInstitNbr = C.CompanyInstitNbr

     AND A.CompanyInstitNbr = C.CompanyInstitNbr

     AND A.TransNbr = C.TransNbr

     AND TransTypeCode NOT LIKE 'MS%'

     AND SIGN (AcctEntryUsdAmt + AcctEntryQty) <> 0

    ORDER BY A.CompanyInstitNbr, A.TransNbr, AcctNbr, SubAcctNbr, SubAcctCode

    SELECT CompanyInstitNbr, TransNbr,

     COUNT (*) HowMany, MAX (Seq) MaxSeq

    INTO #MaxSeqNotMisc

    FROM #NotMisc

    GROUP BY CompanyInstitNbr, TransNbr

    PRINT 'INSERTed #NotMisc'

    SELECT T.CompanyInstitNbr, T.TransNbr, MAX (ProjectId + '-' + TrancheNbr) Tranche

    INTO #MaxTranche

    FROM TrnchTrans T, #NotMisc

    WHERE #NotMisc.CompanyInstitNbr = T.CompanyInstitNbr

     AND #NotMisc.TransNbr = T.TransNbr

    GROUP BY T.CompanyInstitNbr, T.TransNbr

    SELECT Typ, MaxSeq, CONVERT (varchar (196), NULL) FlatAcct, Space (9) Tranche

    INTO #FlatNotMisc

    FROM #NotMisc

    WHERE 1 = 3

    PRINT 'INSERTed #FlatNotMisc'

    UPDATE #NotMisc

    SET CrDr = '+1|'

    WHERE CrDr = '1 |'

    UPDATE #NotMisc

    SET MaxSeq = #MaxSeqNotMisc.MaxSeq

    FROM #MaxSeqNotMisc

    WHERE #MaxSeqNotMisc.CompanyInstitNbr = #NotMisc.CompanyInstitNbr

     AND #MaxSeqNotMisc.TransNbr = #NotMisc.TransNbr


    PRINT 'INDEXed All'


    SELECT Seq, MaxSeq, Typ, Acct, CrDr,

     N.CompanyInstitNbr, N.TransNbr, Tranche

    FROM #NotMisc N, #MaxTranche M

    WHERE N.CompanyInstitNbr = M.CompanyInstitNbr

     AND N.TransNbr = M.TransNbr

    ORDER BY Seq

    DECLARE @Seq int,

     @MaxSeq int,

     @MaxMaxSeq int,

     @Typ TransTypeCode_tp,

     @CompanyInstitNbr InstitutionNbr_tp,

     @TransNbr TransNbr_tp,

     @Acct char (11),

     @CrDr char (3),

     @Tranche char (9),

     @RemarksText varchar (80),

     @FlatAcct varchar (196)

    SELECT @Seq = 0, @MaxMaxSeq = MAX (MaxSeq), @FlatAcct = ''

    FROM #NotMisc

    OPEN NotMiscCurs


    WHILE 1 = 1


     FETCH NotMiscCurs INTO @Seq, @MaxSeq, @Typ, @Acct, @CrDr,

      @CompanyInstitNbr, @TransNbr, @Tranche

     IF @@Fetch_Status <> 0 OR @@ERROR <> 0


     SELECT @FlatAcct = @FlatAcct + @Acct + @CrDr

     IF @Seq = @MaxSeq


      INSERT #FlatNotMisc (Typ, MaxSeq, FlatAcct, Tranche)

      VALUES (@Typ, @MaxSeq, @FlatAcct, @Tranche)

      SELECT @FlatAcct = NULL



    PRINT 'Done looping'


    SELECT CONVERT (char (8), MAX (PostingDate), 1) LastPosted,

     MAX (C.Tranche) Tranche,


     COUNT (*) HowManyTrans,


    INTO #Report

    FROM #FlatNotMisc C, #NotMisc A

    WHERE C.MaxSeq = A.MaxSeq

     AND Seq = A.MaxSeq

    GROUP BY FlatAcct, A.Typ


    SELECT LastPosted,

    (SELECT MAX (Combo)

    FROM #FlatNotMisc C, #NotMisc A

    WHERE C.MaxSeq = A.MaxSeq

    AND Seq = A.MaxSeq

    AND C.FlatAcct = #Report.FlatAcct

    AND #Report.LastPosted = PostingDate) MiscKey,





    INTO #Report2

    FROM #Report

    insert into MastBcp











    SELECT Typ , TransTypeNme , LastPosted,

     SUBSTRING (MiscKey, 11, 5) ,

     SUBSTRING (MiscKey, 16, 8) ,




    FROM #Report2, TransType

    WHERE UPPER (Typ) *= TransTypeCode

    and not exists (select typ,TransTypeName,LastPosted,TransNbr,valueDate,Tranche,HowmanyTrans,FlatAcct from MastBcp)

    ORDER BY Typ, CONVERT (datetime, LastPosted)


    Thanks and regards



  • Hi,

    I don't have time for a full analysis, but a couple of thoughts came to mind immediately.

    I have found from experience that updating temporary tables and table variables tends to be a very slow process, especially if they are un-indexed. You could try indexing your temporary tables when you create them, selecting the columns on which you are joining them to the permanent tables. I try and avoid updating temporary tables and table variables. Temporary tables will generally be slower than using permanent tables, because the queries are unlikely to be cached, and the data will be held in the temp database, which may not be on the most approriate physical device for intensive update operations.

    As an alternative to using a temporary table, you could consider using inline SELECTS

    SELECT ...

    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CompanyInstitNbr FROM Tranche ) AS CS


    WHERE CS.CompanyInstitNbr  = C.CompanyInstitNbr

    In which case, you would want make sure you had an index on the Tranche table for the CompanyInstitNbr column.

    I am not sure how many records you are expecting in #NotMisc, but Consider using a CASE statement on SIGN (AcctEntryUsdAmt + AcctEntryQty) rather than the UPDATE

    UPDATE #NotMisc

    SET CrDr = '+1|'

    WHERE CrDr = '1 |'


    CASE WHEN CONVERT (char (2), CONVERT (int, SIGN (AcctEntryUsdAmt + AcctEntryQty))) + '|' = '1 |' THEN '+1|' ELSE CONVERT (char (2), CONVERT (int, SIGN (AcctEntryUsdAmt + AcctEntryQty))) + '|' END


    If it ain't broke, don't fix it...

  • I would suggest running it with the execution plan on, as well as the IO and time statistics. That way you can work out which of the queries are the worst performers. The exec plan will show the relative cost and the io and time stats will show the durations and io impact of each query.

    Once you have that, you'll have a good idea which parts of the query are the worst, and which ones to focus on.


    statistics io on


    set statistics time on



    EXEC <stored proc here>


    set statistics io off


    set statistics time off


    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Also not analysed it in detail but what jumps at me is that you are using a cursor.  Cursors are slow slow slow !!!  You should be able to use a set-based query to achieve the same effect.

    Additionally, table variables can lead to an inefficient query plan on multi-processor machines.  The plan wants to use parrallel processing but table variables don't allow it.

  • I agree with the others that this is WAY too big of a request for a forum, and also haven't analyzed the steps in detail.  Having said that:

    1) I would bet that at least one if not several of the temp tables aren't necessary.  If you do keep them, consider building indexes on join columns after populating data but before accessing them.

    2) The cursor is DEFINITELY not necessary and is gonna be a DOG from a performance standpoint if there are more than a few rows in the cursor set. 

    3) If you DO use a cursor, it should almost ALWAYS be declared FAST_FORWARD.  This is HIGHLY optimized.  It will STILL be slower than set-based logic -often by 1 or 2 orders of magnitude!

    4) All table references should be prefixed with owner/schema.  Consider use of NOLOCK hint too.

    5) Learn to use the INNER, LEFT, RIGHT... JOIN syntax instead of the old style *=, =*, = syntax.  The latter will not be supported by microsoft in the future (and currently isn't in 2005 for left/right).

    6) and not exists (select typ,TransTypeName,LastPosted,TransNbr,valueDate,Tranche,HowmanyTrans,FlatAcct from MastBcp)

    change this to SELECT *.  No need to force grabbing all those columns in an EXISTS clause.

    NOTE:  As a consultant I will be happy to rewrite your process for my usual hourly rate.  :-))  I can guarantee at least 1 order of magnitude improvement in time, probably close to 2.  My record is almost 6 orders of magnitude, so you should feel good about not being anywhere near the worst I have seen!  LOL

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • What is mean by 1 ,2 or 6 order magnitude ? Really i dont know about it.Please explain me and give some real time example.

    Is there any way to avoid cursor ?



  • Say you have a set of code that takes something takes 1000 seconds to run.  A 1 order of magnitude improvement means it would then take 100 seconds to run.  2 orders of magnitude means it would take 10 seconds to run.  SIX orders of magnitude means it would run in 0.01 seconds - REALLY fast! 

    There is almost ALWAYS a way to use set-based logic for processing, and when you can it is almost always faster.  I bet your code is one of these times.  Set-based thinking is a COMPLETELY different beast from old-school row/procedure based development, however, and the ability to use it effectively does not come overnight.  But if you (or anyone else on these forums) does database development, the effort you spend to be good at set-based logic will pay HUGE dividends for the rest of your db-dev career.


    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • How many magnitudes are there ? 6 is the maximum value or anything else ?



  • I think you are missing the point and focusing on the wrong thing - language barrier I suspect.  I was just saying that cursors are slow and set-based logic is fast.  Take it at that and forget about magnitudes. 

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

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