SQL Query Question

  • Good Morning,

    just want to make sure my query makes sense....pretty new to this stuff.

    I have a table that I would like to update a column called 'status' to 'Expired' when the column 'Date Quoted' is 30 days past today's date. Today meaning whenever I run the query. The other condition is that the current status is = 'In Progress'.

    Here it is...

    update new_call

    set status = 'Expired'

    Where [Date Quoted] = DATEADD(DD, -30, GETDATE())

    and status = '[in progress]'

    Is this right?

  • mbrady5 (10/6/2009)

    Good Morning,

    just want to make sure my query makes sense....pretty new to this stuff.

    I have a table that I would like to update a column called 'status' to 'Expired' when the column 'Date Quoted' is 30 days past today's date. Today meaning whenever I run the query. The other condition is that the current status is = 'In Progress'.

    Here it is...

    update new_call

    set status = 'Expired'

    Where [Date Quoted] = DATEADD(DD, -30, GETDATE())

    and status = '[in progress]'

    Is this right?

    That is correct, with the exception of [Date Quoted] =. I think what you want to say is:

    WHERE [Date Quoted] < DATEADD(DD, -30, GETDATE())

    I would run your statement in a SELECT first to make sure you're selecting the right number of rows to update.


  • mbrady5 (10/6/2009)

    Good Morning,

    just want to make sure my query makes sense....pretty new to this stuff.

    I have a table that I would like to update a column called 'status' to 'Expired' when the column 'Date Quoted' is 30 days past today's date. Today meaning whenever I run the query. The other condition is that the current status is = 'In Progress'.

    Here it is...

    update new_call

    set status = 'Expired'

    Where [Date Quoted] = DATEADD(DD, -30, GETDATE())

    and status = '[in progress]'

    Is this right?

    1. Remove brackets from [in progress], you don't need them

    2. Use <= instead of =

    3. I would also put the brackets on the column name 'status' since SQL it is a T-SQL command attribute.

    The final code UPDATE statement should be

    UPDATE new_call

    SET [status] = 'Expired'

    Where [Date Quoted] <= DATEADD(DD, -30, GETDATE())

    and status = 'in progress'

  • Or use a calculated column:

    ALTER TABLE new_call

    ADD CalcStatus AS


    WHEN DATEDIFF(d, [Date Quoted], CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) <= 30

    THEN CAST('In Progress' AS varchar(11))

    ELSE CAST('Expired' AS varchar(11))


  • thank you both...works GREAT

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