SQL Query How To..?

  • I have data below and I can have several records for the same JobID but with different VRUConfirmation and JobType.

    vruconfirmation jobtype jobid     

    --------------- ------- ----------

    NULL            +SV     0204042111   <-- LINE 01

    255071          BUD     0204042111   <-- LINE 02

    NULL            +SV     0204042222

    255111          BUD     0204042222

    NULL            +SV     0204042333

    NULL            +SV     0204042444

    255746          +SV     0204042555

    256745          BUD     0204042555

    How do I query it so that the list below comes out?

    vruconfirmation jobtype jobid     

    --------------- ------- ----------

    255071          BUD     0204042111   <-- LINE 02

    255111          BUD     0204042222

    NULL            +SV     0204042333

    NULL            +SV     0204042444

    255746          +SV     0204042555

    256745          BUD     0204042555

    Basically, the list filters out records which has a NULL vruconfirmation and jobtype='+SV' and the same jobid exists but with jobtype='BUD'.

    Ex. Line 01 and Line 02 have the same JOBID but the query would only show LINE 02 and skip LINE 01.

    Any input will be appreciated.


  • Try:

    SELECT T.vruconfirmation,T.jobtype,T.jobid

     FROM ttt T


     SELECT  jobid, Count(*)as Cnt

     FROM ttt

     GROUP BY jobid) Q ON  Q.jobid = T.JOBID

    WHERE Cnt = 1 OR (Cnt > 1 and vruconfirmation IS NOT NULL)

    ORDER BY T.jobid

    * Noel

  • Basically a self join where outer table (GetNonNulls) WILL have a record

    for any jobid recs that have a none NULL data rec with same jobid.

    Then uses the vruconfirmation value from this outer table.

    SELECT DISTINCT GetNonNulls.vruconfirmation as vruconfirmation, GetAll.jobtype, GetAll.jobid

    FROM [TableName] GetAll

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [TableName] GetNonNulls

        ON GetAll.jobid = GetNonNulls.jobid

        AND GetNonNulls.vruconfirmation IS NOT NULL

    Notes: Not tested against real data.

    May not be the most efficient because of DISTINCT

    May be better with a pair of UNIONed "self joins".

    Hope this helps

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • Thank you both for your inputs. I will look into it.

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