SQL Query Help using XML

  • Looking for SQL Query help on following.

    Have a key value pair, as below.

    declare @t table (id int, varchar(10), value varchar(10))

    insert @t values (1, 'ColA', 'ABC123')

    insert @t values (1, 'colB', 'DEF456')

    insert @t values (2, 'colA', '2ColABC')

    insert @t values (2, 'colC', '2ColDef')

    insert @t values (2, 'colE', '2Colxyz')

    Need to bundle the Key-value combination into XML for each ID row. The expected results are

    1, '<AdditionalCols><Col ColName="colA">ABC123</Col><Col ColName="colB">DEF456</Col></AdditionalCols>'

    2, '<AdditionalCols><Col ColName="colA">2ColABC</Col><Col ColName="colC">2ColDef</Col><Col ColName="colE">2Colxyz</Col></AdditionalCols>'

    Tried few combinations using FOR XML, but could not get the desired result at each row level.

  • SELECT a.id,

    (SELECT b. AS "@ColName",

    b.value AS "text()"

    FROM @t b

    WHERE b.id=a.id

    FOR XML PATH('Col'),ROOT('AdditionalCols'),TYPE) AS keyvalues

    FROM @t a

    GROUP BY a.id

    ORDER BY a.id;


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum

  • Thank you very much. The solution worked, and this was exactly what I was looking for..!!

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