July 26, 2018 at 6:44 pm
I need help to build a Yearly Budget, my query bring all the year but I need the total by years as well
Please help
g.YEAR [Year],
a.ACTNUMST Account,
g.ACTDESCR [Description],
c.ACCATDSC Category,
sum(case g.PERIODID when 0
then g.PERDBLNC else 0 end) Beginning_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 1
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Jan_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 2
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Feb_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 3
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Mar_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 4
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Apr_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 5
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) May_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 6
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Jun_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 7
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Jul_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 8
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Aug_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 9
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Sep_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 10
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Oct_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 11
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Nov_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 12
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Dec_Balance
from GL11110 g --GL summary data
inner join GL00102 c --categories
inner join GL00105 a --for account number
where g.ACCTTYPE = 1
and g.YEAR = (select min(YEAR) from GL11110)
July 27, 2018 at 12:27 am
marin88321 - Thursday, July 26, 2018 6:44 PMHelloI need help to build a Yearly Budget, my query bring all the year but I need the total by years as well
Please help
g.YEAR [Year],
a.ACTNUMST Account,
g.ACTDESCR [Description],
c.ACCATDSC Category,
sum(case g.PERIODID when 0
then g.PERDBLNC else 0 end) Beginning_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 1
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Jan_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 2
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Feb_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 3
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Mar_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 4
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Apr_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 5
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) May_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 6
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Jun_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 7
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Jul_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 8
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Aug_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 9
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Sep_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 10
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Oct_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 11
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Nov_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 12
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Dec_Balancefrom GL11110 g --GL summary data
inner join GL00102 c --categories
on g.ACCATNUM = c.ACCATNUMinner join GL00105 a --for account number
on g.ACTINDX = a.ACTINDXwhere g.ACCTTYPE = 1
and g.YEAR = (select min(YEAR) from GL11110)group by g.YEAR, g.ACTDESCR, a.ACTNUMST, c.ACCATDSC
Kindly provide us the sample test data with expected output.
July 27, 2018 at 4:14 am
You could do this.... not sure if it's what you mean by "Total by Years".
USE [tempdb]
-- Test data:
drop table GL11110
drop table GL00102
drop table GL00105
create table GL11110 (ACCATNUM int, ACTINDX int, ACCTTYPE int, [Year] char(4), ACTDESCR varchar(50), PERIODID int, PERDBLNC decimal(9,2), DEBITAMT decimal(9,2), CRDTAMNT decimal(9,2))
create table GL00102 (ACCATNUM int, ACCATDSC varchar(10))
create table GL00105 (ACTINDX int, ACTNUMST varchar(10))
insert GL11110
values (1, 1, 1, 2018, 'Test 1', 0, 1000.00, null, null),
(1, 1, 1, 2018, 'Test 1', 2, null, 1500.00, 350.00),
(1, 1, 1, 2018, 'Test 1', 3, null, 2000.00, 0.00),
(1, 1, 1, 2018, 'Test 1', 3, null, 200.00, 0.00),
(1, 1, 1, 2018, 'Test 1', 12, null, 475.35, 0.00)
insert GL11110
values (2, 2, 1, 2018, 'Test 2', 0, 500.00, null, null),
(2, 2, 1, 2018, 'Test 2', 2, null, 1700.00, 225.00),
(2, 2, 1, 2018, 'Test 2', 3, null, 2000.00, 0.00),
(2, 2, 1, 2018, 'Test 2', 3, null, 200.00, 0.00),
(2, 2, 1, 2018, 'Test 2', 11, null, 350.75, 2.50)
insert GL00102
values (1, 'Category 1'),
(2, 'Category 2')
insert GL00105
values (1, 100),
(2, 202)
-- Query:
;with cte as
g.YEAR [Year],
a.ACTNUMST Account,
g.ACTDESCR [Description],
c.ACCATDSC Category,
sum(case g.PERIODID when 0
then g.PERDBLNC else 0 end) Beginning_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 1
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Jan_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 2
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Feb_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 3
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Mar_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 4
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Apr_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 5
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) May_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 6
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Jun_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 7
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Jul_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 8
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Aug_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 9
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Sep_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 10
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Oct_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 11
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Nov_Balance,
sum(case when g.PERIODID <= 12
then g.DEBITAMT-g.CRDTAMNT else 0 end) Dec_Balance
from GL11110 g --GL summary data
inner join GL00102 c --categories
inner join GL00105 a --for account number
where g.ACCTTYPE = 1
and g.YEAR = (select min(YEAR) from GL11110)
select *
,sum(dec_balance) over (partition by [year]) Year_Total
from CTE
order by [Year], Account, [Description], Category
July 27, 2018 at 5:39 am
I will test it
Thank you!!
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