Sql Query Help

  • Hi Experts,


    I got a new work from my RM. Requirement is,

    Table Name : AcctMast

    Records : 2


    Table Structure :





    Table Name : AcctDetails

    RecordCount : 2500


    Table Structure :

    TransTypeCode AcctNbr SubAcctNbr SubAcctCode DrCrInd NewCode

    MSC001           4500     100            DIVD            DR       MS-CONM

    MSC001           6000     500            NULL            CR       MS-CONM

    MSC002           7000     250            DIVM            DR       MS-REVM

    MSC002           6500     150            DIVM            CR       MS-REVM

    MSC002           8000     700            NULL            CR       MS-REVM


    Expected output format is :

    TableName : Custom_Conditions


    Table Structure:

    TransTypeCode  IDNo  ColumnName Operator Value LogicalOperator

    MSC001            1      AcctNbr          =         4500  AND

    MSC001            1      SubAcctNbr     =         100   AND

    MSC001            1      SubAcctCode   =         DIVD  AND

    MSC001            1      DrCrInd          =          DR     NULL

    MSC001            2      AcctNbr        =          6000  AND

    MSC001            2      SubAcctNbr   =          500    AND

    MSC001            2      SubAcctCode =          NULL  AND

    MSC001            2      DrCrInd          =          CR     NULL

    MSC002            1      AcctNbr        =          7000  AND

    MSC002            1      SubAcctNbr   =          250    AND

    MSC002            1      SubAcctCode =          DIVM  AND

    MSC002            1      DrCrInd          =          DR     NULL

    MSC002            2      AcctNbr        =          6500  AND

    MSC002            2      SubAcctNbr   =          150    AND

    MSC002            2      SubAcctCode =          DIVM  AND

    MSC002            2      DrCrInd          =          CR     NULL

    MSC002            3      AcctNbr        =          8000  AND

    MSC002            3      SubAcctNbr   =          700    AND

    MSC002            3      SubAcctCode =          NULL  AND

    MSC002            3      DrCrInd          =          CR     NULL


    Reason is , We are generating the where clause condition dynamically.

    So he wants to change the format of 'AcctDetails' table rows to the above format.

    I have written a query and it is giving expected result.

    Code :  


    create procedure GenRegularConditions_pr




    truncate table custom_conditions


    select Seq = IDENTITY(int,1,1),NewTransTypeCode

    into #TransCode

    from ( select NewTransTypeCode

    from AcctMast ) a

    declare @TransMin int ,@TransMax int,@TransTransCode varchar(10)

    select @TransMin = 1

    select @TransMax = count(*) from #TransCode

    while @TransMin <= @TransMax


    select @TransTransCode = NewTransTypeCode

    from #TransCode

    where Seq = @TransMin

    select Seq = IDENTITY(int,1,1),*

    into #AcctDetails

    from AcctDetails

    where NewTransTypeCode = @TransTransCode

    declare @min-2 int,@Max int

    select @min-2 = 1

    select @max-2 = count(*) from #AcctDetails

    while @min-2 <= @max-2


    insert into Custom_Conditions (ID,Column_Name,Operator,Value,Condition_Concat,NewTransTypeCode)Select @min-2,'AcctNbr','=',AcctNbr,'AND',@TransTransCode

    from #AcctDetails

    where Seq = @min-2

    insert into Custom_Conditions (ID,Column_Name,Operator,Value,Condition_Concat,NewTransTypeCode)

    Select @min-2,'SubAcctNbr','=',SubAcctNbr,'AND',@TransTransCode

    from #AcctDetails

    where Seq = @min-2

    insert into Custom_Conditions (ID,Column_Name,Operator,Value,Condition_Concat,NewTransTypeCode)

    Select @min-2,'SubAcctCode','=',SubAcctCode,'AND',@TransTransCode

    from #AcctDetails

    where Seq = @min-2

    insert into Custom_Conditions (ID,Column_Name,Operator,Value,Condition_Concat,NewTransTypeCode)

    Select @min-2,'AcctEntry.DrCrInd','=',DrCrInd,null,@TransTransCodefrom #AcctDetails

    where Seq = @min-2

    select @min-2 = @min-2 + 1


    select @TransMin = @TransMin +1

    drop table #AcctDetails


    -- End of Procedure




    Can any expert share your valuable comments and suggestions about my code ?  If it can be done by alternate way,Please share your code with me.






  • I don't have an alternate method as I'm still trying to wrap my head around why you'd want to do this. I can see where you might want to store user-defined filters, but it looks like you want to store every combination of column/value for a specified set of columns, with no user input. I'm also confused with what you are trying to do with the "AND" and "NULL" in the logical operator column. Are you really forcing the users to use AND, as well as requiring them to give a value for every one of the four columns? What about "OR" (and other operators), or people who don't care what the DrCrInd, SubAcctCode, etc. is when filtering? Additionally, don't SubAcctNbr and SubAcctCode have a 1 to 1 relationship?

    Share with us what you want to accomplish and we can probably come up with some better feedback.

    PS What's an RM?

  • User will not enter any values. 'AND' and 'NULL' values are constant values.

    what i have mentioned in the Insert statement is the constant value .

    I want to split the AcctDetails table format to the mentioned format.






  • Hi Experts,


    Please give me your valuable suggestion and Comments about my code.

    I am very interesting to hear some suggestion and comments. Because i will change my coding style in future.





  • any comments or suggestion ?



  • No comments or suggestions here, just a lot of questions that aren't being answered. I can't come up with a good reason to do what your code is doing, and while there may very well be one, you're not sharing. If I don't know why you would want to do that, I can't really suggest an alternate method that would work better for you.

  • 1. As David mentioned, I am not sure why you would want to do this.

    2. Avoid SELECT INTO in production code as it puts schema locks on tempdb.

    3. Avoid loops. (ie Use set based code)

    4. In SQL2005 this would be a lot easier using the ROW_NUMBER() function. In SQL2000 you will have to use a #temp table.

    Something like the following should do the transformation. I am not convinced it is a good idea.

    CREATE TABLE #temp



        ,AcctNbr int NOT NULL

        ,SubAcctNbr int NOT NULL

        ,SubAcctCode char(4) COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT NULL



        ,PRIMARY KEY (TransTypeCode, IDNo)


    INSERT INTO #temp(TransTypeCode, AcctNbr, SubAcctNbr, SubAcctCode, DrCrInd)

    SELECT TransTypeCode, AcctNbr, SubAcctNbr, SubAcctCode, DrCrInd

    FROM AcctDetails

    ORDER BY TransTypeCode


    SELECT T.TransTypeCode

        ,T.IDNo - D.MinIDNo + 1 AS IDNo

        ,CASE N.N

            WHEN 1 THEN 'AcctNbr'

            WHEN 2 THEN 'SubAcctNbr'

            WHEN 3 THEN 'SubAcctCode'

            WHEN 4 THEN 'DrCrInd'

        END AS ColumnName

        ,'=' AS Operator

        ,CASE N.N

            WHEN 1 THEN CAST(AcctNbr AS varchar(10))

            WHEN 2 THEN CAST(SubAcctNbr AS varchar(10))

            WHEN 3 THEN CAST(SubAcctCode AS varchar(10))

            WHEN 4 THEN CAST(DrCrInd AS varchar(10))

        END AS Value

        ,CASE N.N

            WHEN 4 THEN CAST(NULL AS char(3))

            ELSE 'AND'

        END AS LogicalOperator

    FROM #temp T

        JOIN (

                SELECT T1.TransTypeCode, MIN(T1.IDNo) AS MinIDNo

                FROM #temp T1

                GROUP BY T1.TransTypeCode

            ) D

            ON T.TransTypeCode = D.TransTypeCode

        CROSS JOIN (

                SELECT 1 UNION ALL

                SELECT 2 UNION ALL

                SELECT 3 UNION ALL

                SELECT 4

            ) N (N)


  • Karthik,

    I get it from your description... Can't work on it right now because I'm on the way to work, but I've got to ask...

    Why doesn't "he" want these flattened out to form a full WHERE condition?  Like this...

    TransTypeCode IDNo Condition
    MSC001        1    AcctNbr = 4500 AND SubAcctNbr = 100 AND SubAcctCode = 'DIVD' AND DrCrInd = 'DR'
    MSC001        2    AcctNbr = 6000 AND SubAcctNbr = 500 AND SubAcctCode = NULL AND DrCrInd = 'CR' NULL

    It would be both much easier to create and much easier to use in the app...

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Jeff,

    I spoke to my RM (Reporting Manager) and he did not accept it 

    he wants to populate the data as i mentioned format only.

    Please help me to sort out this issue.








  • Ken,

    Your query is giving almost exact output. But only thing is ID number has to regenarate each and every transaction type code.






  • Sorry Ken ! your code is satisfying my need. Thanks a lot.

    I am unable to understand your logic.Can you please explain me the logic ?







  • - The #temp table creates an unique ID for each row in AcctDetails. (Ordered by TransTypeCode)

    - The derived table, D, has the minimum ID for each TransTypeCode. (This is needed for the calculation of IDNo)

    - The CROSS JOIN to the derived table, N, produces 4 rows for each original row. (You could JOIN to a Number/Tally table instead - search this site if you do not understand this.)

    - The CASE statements control what should be displayed based on N.N

    I suggest you look up the syntax in BOL (Books Online)


  • ken,

    Can you just explain me the N.N part alone ?






  • Anybody explain me the N.N Part alone ?


  • Sure... the "N" part of the N(N) thing is just a way of assigning the derived table an alias of "N". The "(N)" part of that assigns the only column in the derived table an alias of "N". The following code example effectively demonstrates the use of this not-so-well-known form of table and column aliasing...

    SELECT N.*

    FROM (




    SELECT 4,5

    ) N (X,Y)

    I've never found reference to this form of column aliasing in Books Online and think it may be one of those very nice "undocumented features"... but, just because I haven't been able to find reference to it, doesn't mean it's an "undocument feature"...

    Anyone know where it may be found in BOL?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

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