SQL query for XML without nested nodes.

  • Hi,
    I'm really struggling with this query.
    The purpose is to get an XML which has the format of an existing XML so I cannot deviate in structure. Now, that xml is created in code but very slow.
    So I thought, since Sql is very performant, why not create the XML directly in the Sql server?
    All is well, except that I get my 'sub' nodes in an outer 'sub' node. Same thing for the 'unrelated' node.
    How can I get the result without the outer 'sub' and outer 'unrelated' node?
    (This query is made up to enable everyone to get the same result but reflects the real problem)
    Thanks sincerely

    declare @head1 table
    (head_id uniqueidentifier)

    declare @sub1 table (
    head_id uniqueidentifier,
    own_id int,
    own_field nvarchar(20))

    declare @sub2 table (
    head_id uniqueidentifier,
    own_id int,
    own_field nvarchar(20))

    declare @unrelated table (
    head_id uniqueidentifier,
    own_id int,
    own_field nvarchar(20))

    declare @gd uniqueidentifier;
    set @gd = newid();

    insert into @head1 (head_id) values (@gd)
    insert into @sub1 (head_id,own_id,own_field) values (@gd,10,'Sub1 field')
    insert into @sub2 (head_id,own_id,own_field) values (@gd,11,'Sub2 field')
    insert into @unrelated (head_id,own_id,own_field) values (@gd,100,'another field')

    select alldata.* from
      (select head.head_id
        select * from
           select sub1.own_id,sub1.own_field
            from @sub1 sub1
            where sub1.head_id = head.head_id
            union all
           select sub2.own_id,sub2.own_field
            from @sub2 sub2
            where sub2.head_id = head.head_id
          ) tmp for xml path('sub'), type ) sub

       ,(select unrelated.own_id,unrelated.own_field
        from @unrelated unrelated where unrelated.head_id = head.head_id
        for xml path('unrelated'),type
        ) unrelated
       from @head1 head
       ) alldata for xml auto,root('master')

  • Can you post the expected results please?

  • Sure,
    This is what the quey returns now : 

    <alldata head_id="C6DF494E-4DA7-4726-8288-BB463CB96834">
       <own_field>Sub1 field</own_field>
       <own_field>Sub2 field</own_field>
       <own_field>another field</own_field>

    And this is what I would like :
    <alldata head_id="C6DF494E-4DA7-4726-8288-BB463CB96834">
       <own_field>Sub1 field</own_field>
       <own_field>Sub2 field</own_field>
       <own_field>another field</own_field>

    (so minus the outer 'sub' and 'unrelaed' node)
    Thx  😉

  • The solution is to use FOR XML PATH('') inside the sub-queries and alias the selection of those.

  • Alas, the resutl I get then is thi
    <alldata head_id="6DBD64CD-44CE-425C-A105-BE1900299550">
          <own_field>Sub1 field</own_field>
          <own_field>Sub2 field</own_field>
          <own_field>another field</own_field>

    and not

    <alldata head_id="C6DF494E-4DA7-4726-8288-BB463CB96834">
          <own_field>Sub1 field</own_field>
          <own_field>Sub2 field</own_field>
          <own_field>another field</own_field>

  • Maybe interesting to note that the 'for xml' statements are not allowed/supported inside union all queries

  • chrisongena - Tuesday, June 26, 2018 6:39 AM

    Maybe interesting to note that the 'for xml' statements are not allowed/supported inside union all queries

    Do the UNION ALL in CTEs before the XML construct statement.

  • Great Eirikur, 

    didn't think about that  😉
    Now it works as I want.
    Thank you

    For those interested :
    declare @head1 table
    (head_id uniqueidentifier)

    declare @sub1 table (
    head_id uniqueidentifier,
    own_id int,
    own_field nvarchar(20))

    declare @sub2 table (
    head_id uniqueidentifier,
    own_id int,
    own_field nvarchar(20))

    declare @unrelated table (
    head_id uniqueidentifier,
    own_id int,
    own_field nvarchar(20))

    declare @gd uniqueidentifier;
    set @gd = newid();

    insert into @head1 (head_id) values (@gd)
    insert into @sub1 (head_id,own_id,own_field) values (@gd,10,'Sub1 field')
    insert into @sub2 (head_id,own_id,own_field) values (@gd,11,'Sub2 field')
    insert into @unrelated (head_id,own_id,own_field) values (@gd,100,'another field');

    with subs (head_id,own_id,own_field)
    ( select sub1.head_id,sub1.own_id,sub1.own_field
       from @sub1 sub1
       union all
       select sub2.head_id,sub2.own_id,sub2.own_field
       from @sub2 sub2

    select head.head_id
      ,( select * from subs where subs.head_id = head.head_id for xml path('sub'),type )

      ,(select unrelated.own_id,unrelated.own_field
            from @unrelated unrelated where unrelated.head_id = head.head_id
      for xml path('unrelated'),type )
      from @head1 head
      for xml auto,root('master')

  • You are welcome.

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