Sql query for displaying multidimensional data.

  • Hi There,

    Can anyone help me for writing an SQL query for the below mentioned scenario:

    I have data as mentioned below in a flat file format which can also be converted into Access or SQL database if needed:

    Doc nb                706000                707000                411000

    123                125                50                20

    124                250                12                30

    125                                40                50


                 There are 3 different fields namely:

                 Doc Numbers ( 123,124 & 125) 

                Acccount Numbers (70600, 707000, 411000) and

               Amounts (125, 50, 30, 250 and so on...)

    The above data is in PIVOT table (multidimensional) format.

    Can i write an SQL query from the above data with which i can display the data as mentioned below:

    Doc nb                Account        Amount

    123                706000                125

    123                707000                50

    123                411000                20

    124                706000                250

    124                707000                12

    124                411000                30

    125                707000                40

    125                411000                50

    I prefer writing a query directly referring to a flat file (which seems to be quite difficult and tricky) as much as possible than converting into an Access or SQL table. If any one knew about the solution considering both the possible data formats, kindly help me.

    Thanks in Advance,


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  • I think it would be better if you can create a DTS package to do the export from the flat file to Access/SQL server.Probably you can write an ActiveX script which would do the data manipuation in DTS...

    This would be the simplest way to import data from Flat File to what ever database..





  • Hi Subhash,

    If you get your data into a SQL table, you can do something like the following (this SQL is safe to run):

    create table #t (DocNumber int, c706000 int, c707000 int, c411000 int)

    insert into #t values (123, 125, 50, 20)

    insert into #t values (124, 250, 12, 30)

    insert into #t values (125, null, 40, 50)

    select DocNumber, 706000 as 'AccountNumber', c706000 as 'Amount' from #t where c706000 is not null


    select DocNumber, 707000, c707000 from #t where c707000 is not null


    select DocNumber, 411000, c411000 from #t where c411000 is not null

    drop table #t

    Using DTS somewhere in the solution as Vasanth suggests may also be a good option.

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

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