sql query for below scenario

  • I have below fields in sql table

    segment Posted D/T

    Test 1 06/06/2012 10:00 AM

    Test 1 06/06/201210 11:00 AM

    Test 2 06/06/201210 10:00 AM

    Test 2 06/06/201210 11:00 AM

    Need assistance in finding unique segments(marked with bold) from above table.

    What sould be TSQL for this?

  • From what I see each record is unique, which brings up the question – how do you decide which records are unique and which records are not unique?


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  • nilesh k (3/6/2012)

    I have below fields in sql table

    segment Posted D/T

    Test 1 06/06/2012 10:00 AM

    Test 1 06/06/201210 11:00 AM

    Test 2 06/06/201210 10:00 AM

    Test 2 06/06/201210 11:00 AM

    Need assistance in finding unique segments(marked with bold) from above table.

    What sould be TSQL for this?

    First, sample data: -

    --Your sample data

    CREATE TABLE yourTable (segment CHAR(6), [Posted D/T] DATETIME)

    INSERT INTO yourTable

    SELECT segment, [Posted D/T]

    FROM (VALUES('Test 1', '06/06/2012 10:00 AM'),

    ('Test 1', '06/06/2012 11:00 AM'),

    ('Test 2', '06/06/2012 10:00 AM'),

    ('Test 2', '06/06/2012 11:00 AM')) a(segment, [Posted D/T])

    When you lay out sample data in a readily consumable format like that shown above, people are much more likely to respond with tested, working solutions to your problem.

    On to the solution: -

    SELECT segment, MAX([Posted D/T])

    FROM yourTable

    GROUP BY segment

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  • oops ...i framed it wrong.

    i need record set based on lateset post D/T

  • nilesh k (3/6/2012)

    oops ...i framed it wrong.

    i need record set based on lateset post D/T

    Like this: -

    Cadavre (3/6/2012)

    SELECT segment, MAX([Posted D/T])

    FROM yourTable

    GROUP BY segment

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  • Thanks for the reply.

    What if there are n number of columns n table with ID as primary key?

    Select * , MAX[Posted D/T] from MyTable

    It is giving me below error:

    Column 'MyTable.ID' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

  • nilesh k (3/6/2012)

    Thanks for the reply.

    What if there are n number of columns n table with ID as unique key?

    Select * , MAX[Posted D/T] from MyTable

    It is giving me below error:

    Column 'MyTable.ID' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

    That depends on what data you actually want. Do you just want to grab the data with the latest [Posted D/T] for each unique ID?

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  • I want to grab many of the columns including 'posted D/T' column from this table and i do not want to write individual column name in select query.

    It has to be

    Select * from ....

  • nilesh k (3/6/2012)

    I want to grab many of the columns including 'posted D/T' column from this table and i do not want to write individual column name in select query.

    It has to be

    Select * from ....

    That doesn't answer my question. What I wanted to know was if the "segment" is duplicated, but none of the other columns are duplicates for a single row - do you just want to return the row with the latest [Posted D/T] ?


    If so, I think this is what you're after.

    --OPTION 1

    SELECT base.*

    FROM yourTable base

    INNER JOIN (SELECT segment, MAX([Posted D/T]) AS [Max Posted D/T]

    FROM yourTable

    GROUP BY segment) sub ON base.segment = sub.segment AND base.[Posted D/T] = sub.[Max Posted D/T]

    --OPTION 2

    SELECT *

    FROM (SELECT *, MAX([Posted D/T]) OVER(PARTITION BY segment) AS [Max Posted D/T]

    FROM yourTable) a

    WHERE a.[Max Posted D/T] = a.[Posted D/T]

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  • both the options are giving syntax error 🙁

  • nilesh k (3/6/2012)

    both the options are giving syntax error 🙁

    Paste exactly what you tried. There is no syntax error in either of the code snippets I posted.

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  • This is what i tried:

    Option 1:

    SELECT base.*

    FROM table base

    INNER JOIN (SELECT segment, MAX([PostedDate]) AS Max (PostedDate)

    FROM EBBReport

    GROUP BY segment) sub ON base.segment = sub.segment AND base.[PostedDate]

    Option 2:

    SELECT *

    FROM (SELECT *, MAX(PostedDate) OVER(PARTITION BY segment) AS Max(PostedDate) FROM table) a

    WHERE a.Max (PostedDate) = a.PostedDate

  • nilesh k (3/9/2012)

    This is what i tried:

    Option 1:

    SELECT base.*

    FROM table base

    INNER JOIN (SELECT segment, MAX([PostedDate]) AS Max (PostedDate)

    FROM EBBReport

    GROUP BY segment) sub ON base.segment = sub.segment AND base.[PostedDate]

    Option 2:

    SELECT *

    FROM (SELECT *, MAX(PostedDate) OVER(PARTITION BY segment) AS Max(PostedDate) FROM table) a

    WHERE a.Max (PostedDate) = a.PostedDate

    Well, yes. Of course you have syntax errors.

    1. You have "AS Max(PostedDate)" which won't work. Either wrap it in [] or get rid of the ()

    2. You have "AND base.[PostedDate]" but no comparison. Add the comparison back in.

    3. FROM table --> INNER JOIN EBBReport. Which is it?

    Try the below: -

    --Option 1:

    SELECT base.*

    FROM EBBReport base

    INNER JOIN (SELECT segment, MAX([PostedDate]) AS MaxPostedDate

    FROM EBBReport

    GROUP BY segment) sub ON base.segment = sub.segment

    AND base.[PostedDate] = sub.MaxPostedDate

    --Option 2:

    SELECT *

    FROM (SELECT *, MAX(PostedDate) OVER(PARTITION BY segment) AS MaxPostedDate

    FROM EBBReport) a

    WHERE a.MaxPostedDate = a.PostedDate

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  • OK.. my bad.

    My earlier query is somethig like this and i want to acomodate maxposteddate in this query:

    SELECT * From Table WHERE IsCurrent=0 AND

    (Datediff(dd,@EFFdate,convert(varchar, getdate(), 1))<= 90

    and Datediff(dd,@EFFdate,convert(varchar, getdate(), 1))>= 0)

    and ( DATEPART(dd,effdate) = DATEPART(dd,@EFFdate) and

    DATEPART(mm,effdate) = DATEPART(mm,@EFFdate) and

    DATEPART(yy,effdate) = DATEPART(yy,@EFFdate))

    so if there are two records per segment it should pick only the latest segment out of it.

    i appreciate your efforts!

  • Bit of a late reply.

    --Your current code

    SELECT *

    FROM EBBReport

    WHERE IsCurrent = 0

    AND (Datediff(dd, @EFFdate, convert(VARCHAR, getdate(), 1)) <= 90 AND

    Datediff(dd, @EFFdate, convert(VARCHAR, getdate(), 1)) >= 0)

    AND (DATEPART(dd, effdate) = DATEPART(dd, @EFFdate) AND

    DATEPART(mm, effdate) = DATEPART(mm, @EFFdate)AND

    DATEPART(yy, effdate) = DATEPART(yy, @EFFdate))

    --Option 1

    SELECT base.*


    FROM EBBReport

    WHERE IsCurrent = 0

    AND (Datediff(dd, @EFFdate, convert(VARCHAR, getdate(), 1)) <= 90 AND

    Datediff(dd, @EFFdate, convert(VARCHAR, getdate(), 1)) >= 0)

    AND (DATEPART(dd, effdate) = DATEPART(dd, @EFFdate) AND

    DATEPART(mm, effdate) = DATEPART(mm, @EFFdate) AND

    DATEPART(yy, effdate) = DATEPART(yy, @EFFdate)) ) base

    INNER JOIN (SELECT segment, MAX([PostedDate]) AS MaxPostedDate


    FROM EBBReport

    WHERE IsCurrent = 0

    AND (Datediff(dd, @EFFdate, convert(VARCHAR, getdate(), 1)) <= 90 AND

    Datediff(dd, @EFFdate, convert(VARCHAR, getdate(), 1)) >= 0)

    AND (DATEPART(dd, effdate) = DATEPART(dd, @EFFdate) AND

    DATEPART(mm, effdate) = DATEPART(mm, @EFFdate) AND

    DATEPART(yy, effdate) = DATEPART(yy, @EFFdate))) a

    GROUP BY segment) sub ON base.segment = sub.segment AND base.[PostedDate] = sub.MaxPostedDate

    --Option 2:

    SELECT *

    FROM (SELECT *, MAX(PostedDate) OVER(PARTITION BY segment) AS MaxPostedDate

    FROM EBBReport

    WHERE IsCurrent = 0

    AND (Datediff(dd, @EFFdate, convert(VARCHAR, getdate(), 1)) <= 90 AND

    Datediff(dd, @EFFdate, convert(VARCHAR, getdate(), 1)) >= 0)

    AND (DATEPART(dd, effdate) = DATEPART(dd, @EFFdate) AND

    DATEPART(mm, effdate) = DATEPART(mm, @EFFdate)AND

    DATEPART(yy, effdate) = DATEPART(yy, @EFFdate))) a

    WHERE a.MaxPostedDate = a.PostedDate

    --Make your code better

    SELECT *

    FROM EBBReport

    WHERE IsCurrent = 0

    AND @EFFdate >= DATEADD(dd,-90+DATEDIFF(dd,'19000101',GETDATE()),'19000101') --I'm not convinced this is needed at all.

    --May be better doing an IF based on it, return

    --empty result-set if false.

    AND DATEADD(dd, '19000101', DATEDIFF(dd, '19000101', @EFFdate)) = DATEADD(dd, '19000101', DATEDIFF(dd, '19000101', effdate))

    --New Option 1:

    SELECT base.*

    FROM EBBReport base

    WHERE IsCurrent = 0

    AND @EFFdate >= DATEADD(dd,-90+DATEDIFF(dd,'19000101',GETDATE()),'19000101')

    AND DATEADD(dd, '19000101', DATEDIFF(dd, '19000101', @EFFdate)) = DATEADD(dd, '19000101', DATEDIFF(dd, '19000101', effdate))

    INNER JOIN (SELECT segment, MAX([PostedDate]) AS MaxPostedDate

    FROM EBBReport

    WHERE IsCurrent = 0

    AND @EFFdate >= DATEADD(dd,-90+DATEDIFF(dd,'19000101',GETDATE()),'19000101')

    AND DATEADD(dd, '19000101', DATEDIFF(dd, '19000101', @EFFdate)) = DATEADD(dd, '19000101', DATEDIFF(dd, '19000101', effdate))

    GROUP BY segment) sub ON base.segment = sub.segment

    AND base.[PostedDate] = sub.MaxPostedDate

    --New Option 2:

    SELECT *

    FROM (SELECT *, MAX(PostedDate) OVER(PARTITION BY segment) AS MaxPostedDate

    FROM EBBReport

    WHERE IsCurrent = 0

    AND @EFFdate >= DATEADD(dd,-90+DATEDIFF(dd,'19000101',GETDATE()),'19000101')

    AND DATEADD(dd, '19000101', DATEDIFF(dd, '19000101', @EFFdate)) = DATEADD(dd, '19000101', DATEDIFF(dd, '19000101', effdate))) a

    WHERE a.MaxPostedDate = a.PostedDate

    --With IF instead

    IF @EFFdate >= DATEADD(dd, - 90 + DATEDIFF(dd, '19000101', GETDATE()), '19000101')


    SELECT base.*

    FROM EBBReport base

    WHERE IsCurrent = 0 AND

    DATEADD(dd, '19000101', DATEDIFF(dd, '19000101', @EFFdate)) = DATEADD(dd, '19000101', DATEDIFF(dd, '19000101', effdate))

    INNER JOIN (SELECT segment, MAX([PostedDate]) AS MaxPostedDate

    FROM EBBReport

    WHERE IsCurrent = 0 AND

    DATEADD(dd, '19000101', DATEDIFF(dd, '19000101', @EFFdate)) = DATEADD(dd, '19000101', DATEDIFF(dd, '19000101', effdate))

    GROUP BY segment) sub ON base.segment = sub.segment

    AND base.[PostedDate] = sub.MaxPostedDate




    SELECT *

    FROM EBBReport

    WHERE 1 = 0


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