sql query efficient or NOT?

  • ALL ,

    Does anybody see any inefficiencies with this query below selecting from a view?  We want to use query for checking duplicate transactions in our database.

    SELECT TOP 1 *  FROM      TrxDetailCard  WHERE    (Merchant_Key='5')  AND (IsNull(Result_CH, '999') = '0')  AND (IsNull(Void_Flag_CH, '0') <> '1')  AND (Acct_Num_CH='rhYIopT75d7Gj0PjXvKe9ZAFOMiQVAJs')  AND (Exp_CH='1208')  AND (Total_Amt_MN=1.00)  AND (Trans_Type_ID = 'Sale')  AND (Date_DT >= cast( convert( char(10), getdate(), 121 ) as datetime ))   ORDER BY TRX_HD_Key DESC



  • A few questions…


    1.       What field(s) constitutes a “duplicate”? You may also want to look up examples of IF EXISTS.

    a.       If it’s a single field, then only include that field in the result set.

                                                                   i.      SELECT yourField FROM TrxDetailCard  WHERE ..

                                                                 ii.      IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM TrxDetailCard  WHERE .. )


    2.       Is the “Merchant_Key” field an integer/numeric? Comparing to '5' forces the server to convert.

    a.       If it is in fact numeric, then use this…



    3.       It’s unclear what you are trying to accomplish here ….  (IsNull(Result_CH, '999') = '0')” . Are you trying to eliminate Nulls only or Nulls and 0’s or only include 0’s?

    a.       To eliminate nulls ONLY

                                                                   i.      “Result_CH IS NOT NULL”

    b.      To eliminate NULLS OR 0’s

                                                                   i.      “(IsNull(Result_CH, 0) = 0)”

    c.       To only return 0’s, as NULLS never qual anything.

                                                                   i.      Result_CH = 0


    You actually might get some better advice if you post more of the method that you are using to check for duplicates…..



    Just my humble opinion..  


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    Jason L. Selburg
  • Jason,

    Thanks for your speedy response.  I'll try to address your questions.

    1.  My understanding is that the logic in this query should check duplicate transactions with the passed criteria since 12am of that day.  What constitues a duplicate is the same credit card number, expiration date, and purchase amount.  If there is a duplicate then that would create a "duplicate transaction or decline" back to the merchant.  Previously it was checking for duplicate transactions for the last 24 hours and it was causing problems with some of our merchants. 

    2.  The "merchant_key" is in fact an integer field.

    3.  This one I can't answer right now.  This particular query was passed to me for review as it was intended as a .NET patch for a previous (duplicate checking in last 24 hours) inefficient query.  I'll check into this tomorrow.

    Thanks for your advice and I'll try to get more info tomorrow.



  • wouldn't this query return all duplicates:

    SELECT Acct_Num_CH  from TrxDetailCard

    WHERE (Date_DT >= cast( convert( char(10), getdate(), 121 ) as datetime )) 

    group by Acct_Num_CH

    having count(Acct_Num_CH) >1

    with that, i think you could simply do this to get the info you were after a bit more efficiently:


    (SELECT Acct_Num_CH  from TrxDetailCard

    WHERE (Date_DT >= cast( convert( char(10), getdate(), 121 ) as datetime )) 

    group by Acct_Num_CH

    having count(Acct_Num_CH) >1

    ) X  ON TrxDetailCard .Acct_Num_CH = X.Acct_Num_CH

    WHERE    (Merchant_Key='5') 

    AND (IsNull(Result_CH, '999') = '0') 

    AND (IsNull(Void_Flag_CH, '0') <> '1') 

    AND (Acct_Num_CH='rhYIopT75d7Gj0PjXvKe9ZAFOMiQVAJs') 

    AND (Exp_CH='1208') 

    AND (Total_Amt_MN=1.00)

     AND (Trans_Type_ID = 'Sale') 


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