SQL query analyzer wont beep or play a sound.

  • OK, perhaps a bit OT, but it's driving me crazy.

    I have a computer that won't play a sound or give an audio cue in SQL query analyzer when it completes a query.  The computer plays other sounds just fine...it just doesn't play the sound I've specified in the options dialog.  It also won't work if I choose for it to play the default 'Windows Message beep'.

    Any Ideas?  Have you had this happen?

    This is on a Windows ME box, SQL 7 client tools installed (with SP4).  I typically do all critical updates at windows update site.  AFAIK the sound has never worked with isql on this particular PC...

  • Never seen anything like this and that's a strange one. Course, I don't like my computer beeping at me.

  • Yeah, it's strange.  I like the 'beep' since I often do long-running queries.  I like to know when they're finished w/o checking back...

  • Do you configure Query Analyzer to play wave sound when complete query batch? Check it out.

    Go to Tools -> Options -> Results -> Click at the option "When Query Batch Completes. Select either play your own wave file or use default Windows wave sound.




  • Optimise your code, so the query runs more quickly and you don't mind waiting a few milliseconds for the results!

  • kokyan, That's exactly what I do on all my computers.  On the computer I started this thread for, it doesn't play a sound upon completion, which I why I'm asking if anyone has ever experienced/solved this behaviour.

    Robert, I'm doing some data-mining where I run recursive looping queries that may INSERT a hundred thousand records in the first loop, use those records to join back to the main table and return a million new records in the next loop, and so on...Even with optimizing, we're talking minutes or hours to run these things, not milliseconds or seconds.  They generate individual tables of up to 10 GB by the time they're done.

    I'm working with a server that is dedicated to this process so I can beat it up this way. 

    That said...Any answers to my original question??? 

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