sql query

  • Is there a difference in these two queries??


    if not Exists (select TimeOffEntryId from TimeOffEntry where FinancialYearId = 1 and AWOLUserId = 'ST01574' and LeaveTypeId = 16)

    (select 1)


    (select -1)


    exec sp_executesql N'

    if not Exists (select TimeOffEntryId from TimeOffEntry where FinancialYearId = @financialYearId and AWOLUserId = @awolUserId and LeaveTypeId = leaveTypeId)

    (select 1)


    (select -1)

    ',N'@awolUserId varchar(7),@financialYearId int,@leaveTypeId int',@awolUserId='ST01574',@financialYearId=1,@leaveTypeId=16

    The second query is taken from sql profiler. Both run on same table but the first one gives me a correct result that is 1, however the second gives me -1. I am so confused..I dont know may be it is a silly error that I cant figure out. :S

  • it was a silly typo :s...


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