SQl Query

  • Hi,

    I have yet another problem that I am facing with the query.

    I am trying to run a rport from my ASP.NET code that uses the query we wrote earlier.

    My SQL Query:

    SELECTj2821.RepName, j2821.LogEntryID, b.BranchName, r.RepFullName As PortlandSPName, l.LogEntryStatus, j2821.Transaction2821ID, j2821.TransactionPercentOfNetWorth,

    j2821.AnnualIncome, j2821.TimeHorizon, j2821.RegistrationType, j2821.DateForwarded, j2821.AccountNumber, j2821.Amount,

    j2821.ProductDesc, j2821.TransactionType, j2821.Description, j2821.ClientName, j2821.Provider,

    j2821.ProductType, DATEDIFF(day, j2821.DateOfTrust, GETDATE()) As ClientAge,


    case when (@operation = '>' AND j2821.Amount > @Amount) then 'Trade Amount Inquiry, ' else '' end +

    case when (@OpClientAge = '>' AND DATEDIFF(day, j2821.DateOfTrust, GETDATE()) > @ClientAge) then 'Client Age Inquiry, ' else '' end +

    case when (@OpIncome = '>' AND j2821.AnnualIncome > @Income) then 'Annual Income Inquiry, ' else '' end +

    case when (@operation = '<' AND j2821.Amount < @Amount) then 'Trade Amount Inquiry, ' else '' end +

    case when (@OpClientAge = '<' AND DATEDIFF(day, j2821.DateOfTrust, GETDATE()) < @ClientAge) then 'Client Age Inquiry, ' else '' end +

    case when (@OpIncome = '<' AND j2821.AnnualIncome < @Income) then 'Annual Income Inquiry, ' else '' end +

    case when (@operation = '=' AND j2821.Amount = @Amount) then 'Trade Amount Inquiry, ' else '' end +

    case when (@OpClientAge = '=' AND DATEDIFF(day, j2821.DateOfTrust, GETDATE()) = @ClientAge) then 'Client Age Inquiry, ' else '' end +

    case when (@OpIncome = '=' AND j2821.AnnualIncome = @Income) then 'Annual Income Inquiry, ' else '' end +

    case when (j2821.RegistrationType = @RegistrationType) then 'Qualified Account, ' else '' end +

    case when (j2821.TimeHorizon IN (@TimeHorizon)) then 'Time Horizon Inquiry, ' else '' end, 1,


    case when (@operation = '>' AND j2821.Amount > '') then 'Trade Amount Inquiry, ' else '' end +

    case when (@OpClientAge = '>' AND DATEDIFF(day, j2821.DateOfTrust, GETDATE()) > @ClientAge) then 'Client Age Inquiry, ' else '' end +

    case when (@OpIncome = '>' AND j2821.AnnualIncome > @Income) then 'Annual Income Inquiry, ' else '' end +

    case when (@operation = '<' AND j2821.Amount < '') then 'Trade Amount Inquiry, ' else '' end +

    case when (@OpClientAge = '<' AND DATEDIFF(day, j2821.DateOfTrust, GETDATE()) < @ClientAge) then 'Client Age Inquiry, ' else '' end +

    case when (@OpIncome = '<' AND j2821.AnnualIncome < @Income) then 'Annual Income Inquiry, ' else '' end +

    case when (@operation = '=' AND j2821.Amount = @Amount) then 'Trade Amount Inquiry, ' else '' end +

    case when (@OpClientAge = '=' AND DATEDIFF(day, j2821.DateOfTrust, GETDATE()) = @ClientAge) then 'Client Age Inquiry, ' else '' end +

    case when (@OpIncome = '=' AND j2821.AnnualIncome = @Income) then 'Annual Income Inquiry, ' else '' end +

    case when (j2821.RegistrationType = @RegistrationType) then 'Qualified Account, ' else '' end +

    case when (j2821.TimeHorizon IN (@TimeHorizon)) then 'Time Horizon Inquiry, ' else '' end) - 1) as MatchedCriteria


    Transaction2821Journals j2821 INNER JOIN

    Journals j ON j2821.LogEntryID=j.LogEntryID WHERE

    j.JournalTypeID = 8

    AND j2821.DateClientSignature >= '2/2/2008'

    AND j2821.DateClientSignature <= '2/25/2008'AND (j2821.ProductType IN ('VA - INDIVIDUAL','GVA - PARTICIPANT (RR Recommended Investment Selection)'))

    AND (j2821.IsReplacementExchange = @IsReplacementExchange)




    WHEN ((@operation = '>' AND j2821.Amount > @Amount)

    OR (@OpTransPercent = '>' AND j2821.TransactionPercentOfNetWorth > @TransPercentLNW)

    OR (@OpClientAge = '>' AND DATEDIFF(day, j2821.DateOfTrust, GETDATE()) > @ClientAge)

    OR (@OpIncome = '>' AND j2821.AnnualIncome > @Income)

    OR (j2821.RegistrationType = @RegistrationType)

    OR (j2821.TimeHorizon IN (@TimeHorizon))) THEN 'True'

    WHEN ((@operation = '<' AND j2821.Amount < @Amount)

    OR (@OpTransPercent = '<' AND j2821.TransactionPercentOfNetWorth < @TransPercentLNW)

    OR (@OpClientAge = '<' AND DATEDIFF(day, j2821.DateOfTrust, GETDATE()) < @ClientAge)

    OR (@OpIncome = '<' AND j2821.AnnualIncome < @Income)

    OR (j2821.RegistrationType = @RegistrationType)

    OR (j2821.TimeHorizon IN (@TimeHorizon))) THEN 'True'

    WHEN ((@operation = '=' AND j2821.Amount = @Amount)

    OR (@OpTransPercent = '=' AND j2821.TransactionPercentOfNetWorth = @TransPercentLNW)

    OR (@OpClientAge = '=' AND DATEDIFF(day, j2821.DateOfTrust, GETDATE()) = @ClientAge)

    OR (@OpIncome = '=' AND j2821.AnnualIncome = @Income)

    OR (j2821.RegistrationType = @RegistrationType)

    OR (j2821.TimeHorizon IN (@TimeHorizon))) THEN 'True'

    WHEN ((@operation = '-1') OR (@OpTransPercent = '-1') OR (@OpIncome = '-1') OR (@OpClientAge = '-1')

    OR (j2821.RegistrationType = @RegistrationType) OR ((j2821.TimeHorizon IN (@TimeHorizon) OR ('-1') IN (@TimeHorizon)))) THEN 'True'

    ELSE 'False'


    ) = 'True'

    ORDER BY j2821.RepName, j2821.Transaction2821ID

    However when i pass blank for the Amount, Income, ClientAge then i get an error from the report saying " An error has occurred during report processing. ---> Cannot read the next data row for the data set dsJournals. ---> Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function"

    I am unable to find out why that error is occuring.Can you help me with this?

  • I am sorry I didn't realise it was a big chunk of code.

    I have now attached the script for my sql statement.

  • The error you are getting is because somehow passing an empty string is causing the len function to return 0 and then you are subtracting 1 and ending up with a Substring(value, 1, -1) and - 1 is an invalid length. You need to pass 0 or higher. The simplest fix is to put a character instead of '' in your else's. The len function returns 0 if there is only spaces in the value so you need something other than a space.

    I have to ask, what does your execution plan look like for this query? Could you run with Set Statistics IO On and post the results?

  • Thanks, I got that working.

    At some times the len was coming out to be zero that's why the error.

    I appreciate your efforts.

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