sql query

  • Have asked previous but not helped...so thought I would give it another 

    go.  Using Reporting Services and need to run this report urgently.

    I have a query with a number of inner joins and left outer joins.  The 

    where clause has numerous "and" clauses and one of these I need to be where a

    endate is greater than the current date less 6 months (ie anything in the

    last six months).

    where (a.DeletedDate IS NULL) and (stli.id = 1) and (fa.regionareaid 

    between 1 and 9)

    and (rpn.enddate > '01/01/2005') or (rpn.enddate is null)

    at present as you can see I have stipulated the date as 01/01/2005 however 

    i need the report to run every week (schedule will be set up for running and

    emailing) and I need the report to have the correct "and" in place.  Any 

    help would be greatly appreciated.  Please note that the rpn.enedate can either have a date or

    be null.

    hopefully this is a bit more information.

  • Are you specifying the query text in the report designer, or are you calling a stored procedure?

    Iis the report running for the previous week, or just the past seven days? Does it matter if it runs on a Monday, Tuesday, etc...

    For something a simple a showing the last seven days you can use the DATEADD function.

    EG: rpn.enddate > DATEADD(dd, -7, GetDate())


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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