sql query

  • select distinct

    A.Col1,A.Col2,A.Col3,A1.total as [current_month]

    ,A2.total as [current_month-1],A3.total as [current_month-2]

    from viewV1 as A LEFT OUTER JOIN

    viewV1 AS A1 ON A.Col1 = A1.Col1

    and DATEADD(m, - 1, A.FLDT)) = 0 LEFT OUTER JOIN

    viewV1 AS A2 ON A.Col1 = A2.Col1

    and DATEADD(m, - 2, A.FLDT)) = 0 LEFT OUTER JOIN

    viewV1 AS A3 ON A.Col1 = A3.Col1

    and DATEADD(m, - 3, A.FLDT)) = 0

    where A.FLDT='09'

    From the above i expect only 1 record where in i get 3 records, may be because i had 3 joins, how would i get just 1 records with 3 months of total in the same record.

  • It would help if you provided the DDL for the view (and the underlying tables), sample data for the underlying tables, and your expected results based on the sample data.

  • Sample data would help a lot, but this may help. Maybe it will at least give you an idea.




    SUM(A1.total) as [current_month],

    SUM(A2.total) as [current_month-1],

    SUM(A3.total) as [current_month-2]

    fromviewV1 as A

    LEFT JOIN viewV1 AS A1

    ON A.Col1 = A1.Col1 and DATEADD(m, - 1, A.FLDT)) = 0

    LEFT JOIN viewV1 AS A2

    ON A.Col1 = A2.Col1 and DATEADD(m, - 2, A.FLDT)) = 0

    LEFT JOIN viewV1 AS A3

    ON A.Col1 = A3.Col1 and DATEADD(m, - 3, A.FLDT)) = 0


    groupby A.Col1, A.Col2, A.Col3

    orderby A.Col1, A.Col2, A.Col3

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