• SQL-SERVER (one table)

    trck# Pol#


    A-001-111 123-123-01

    A-001-111 123-123-01

    A-001-111 123-123-03

    A-001-111 123-123-04

    A-001-111 123-123-05

    A-001-112 123-124-05

    A-001-112 123-124-05

    B-001-111 112-124-05

    B-001-111 112-124-05

    C-001-001 111-111-11

    C-001-001 111-111-11

    B-001-003 001-111-11

    B-001-003 001-000-11

    G-001-001 111-234-001

    I need to write SQL which will give all values where Trak# is same but any of the pol# is different. i.e result should be

    trck# Pol#


    A-001-111 123-123-01

    A-001-111 123-123-01

    A-001-111 123-123-03

    A-001-111 123-123-04

    A-001-111 123-123-05

    B-001-003 001-111-11

    B-001-003 001-000-11


  • I do not completely understand

    Please clarify.

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • I need to pull those records from a table X where pol#'s are different for single trck#.

    Single trck#(A-001-111) has multiple pol#'s(123-123-01/03/04/05).

    pol# and trck# are two columns

    trck# = A-001-111

    pol# = 123-123-01

  • Is the result set you have in the initial post complete?

    I do not get why "B-001-003, 001-111-11" IS in your result set while "B-001-111 112-124-05" is not.

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • because both the pol#'s(112-124-05) are same... I'm looking for those values where pol#'s are different for same trck#.

    trck#, pol#

    B-001-111, 112-124-05

    B-001-111, 112-124-05

  • Something like...

    Select trck#, Pol#

    From [Table]

    Group by trck#, Pol#

    Having count(*) = 1

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

    SELECT o.Trck#, o.Pol#
    FROM Chawra O JOIN
    (SELECT Trck#
    (SELECT DISTINCT Trck#, Pol#
    FROM Chawra) c
    GROUP BY Trck#
    HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) x ON x.Trck# = o.Trck#





    , PolNmbr



    Group by


    , PolNmbr

    Having Count(*)=1

    * Noel

  • WOW!!

    That was funny. Three replies almost a once

    * Noel

  • Jonathan,



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