July 8, 2003 at 8:14 am
We need to internationlize our application. We have a table that contains the dataid, languageid and data (for thatparticular language.)
DataId Language Data
====== ======== ====
1 USEnglish Alarm
1 Japanese ..... etc
All the data in the other tables is stored with data ids. When the reports are run, we get all the data (still in ids) and have to join with this localization table and get the data values for the report to display. Want to get a general opinion of what is the best way to go about this.
Do I join the localization table in every query to get the actual data elements?
Do I write any SP/function that can be used by all the SPs? If we go this route, after the final data set is available, we have to pass this table to the routine and it has to join the table with the localization and give us the final data.
Thanks for your time in advance
July 8, 2003 at 8:21 am
We generally implement your first suggestion. If you have to walk the result sets and call another procedure to localize, it requires much more processing of the data. Internal processes won't have to join in their queries, though, just the routines that are used to produce output for humans (I'm sure you already thought of that)
July 8, 2003 at 12:02 pm
First method (in general). might denormalize for performance if needed.
Steve Jones
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