SQL Mail option

  • I have one porcedure with collect data about all gage which are due for calibration. I would like to use xp_Mial procedure and i would like to send all these data to people every week. On procedue i created globale table which carry all data and i would like to send that whole table by using sql mail. Can i do that. Here is my procedure. It is giving me error message that 50 rows affected but @query has wrong parameter. Need help..

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GageDueListing]

    @Starting_Date smalldatetime = Null,

    @Ending_Date smalldatetime = Null


    DECLARE @MessageAll NVarchar(255)

    --drop table ##DueListing

    Create Table ##DueListing


    Next_Due_Date Smalldatetime,

    Gage_ID Varchar(50),

    Gage_SN Varchar(50),

    Descriptions  Varchar(50),

    Current_Location Varchar(50),

    Calibration_Freq Varchar(10),

    Calibration_Time Varchar(20)


    Insert ##DueListing









    SELECT     Next_Due_Date, Gage_ID, Gage_SN, Description, Current_Location, Calibration_Frequency , Calibration_Frequency_UOM

    FROM         Gage_Master

    WHERE    Status = 1 And Next_Due_Date >= @Starting_Date AND Next_Due_Date <= @Ending_Date

    Order by


    Set @MessageAll = '#DueListing'

    Exec master..xp_sendmail 'dpatel',


           @qyery = 'Select * from ##DueListing',

      @Subject = 'Gage Due Listing'

    Drop table ##DueListing


  • Hi,

    did you copy the SQL from stored procedure? If so, then probably the problem is here:

    @qyery = 'Select * from ##DueListing',

    Just a typo... qyery instead of query. Hope this helps... if not, we will try some other way

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