April 5, 2016 at 3:51 am
Hi I have stored procedure to send data in table format to Outlook. My code works well in Explorer giving the table header rows and columns as expected. Should look like:
Data1 as Header
Data2 Data3 Data4
When sent to Outlook though the table looses formatting and looks like this:
Data1 as Header
DECLARE @HTMLTable varchar(max);
DECLARE @TableHead varchar(max);
DECLARE @TableTail varchar(max);
SET @TableHead = '<html><body><table>' ;
SET @TableTail = '</table></body></html>';
SET @HTMLTable = @TableHead +(
select '3' as
,Data1 as th,
'' as tr, null,
Data2 as td, null,
Data3 AS td, null,
Data4 as td, null
from @Table
order by Data1, Data2
for xml PATH('tr'), elements
set @HTMLTable = @HTMLTable + @TableTail;
Grateful for help. It is frustrating as it looks just fine in IE.
April 5, 2016 at 6:20 am
you've got quite a few things going that are causing malformed html; IE will do it's best to clean that up, but Outlook does not.
i populated your table and reviewed the results like this:
DECLARE @Table TABLE(Data1 varchar(30),Data2 varchar(30),Data3 varchar(30),Data4 varchar(30) )
insert into @Table
select top 10 OBJECT_ID,name,type_desc,name from sys.objects
--your original code
if you do that, you get results like this:
an unclosed TR after the TH, ghost TR pairs with no contents.
you are selecting a null without an alias after each column, why?
why didn't you build column names in the @tableHeader?
you are selecting four columns
i think you are trying to select a colspan row as an inline header, and then the three data elements, so it's just going to be fiddling with the formatting.
<tr><th colspan="3">17</th>
<tr><th colspan="3">19</th>
<tr><th colspan="3">23</th>
<tr><th colspan="3">24</th>
<tr><th colspan="3">25</th>
<tr><th colspan="3">27</th>
<tr><th colspan="3">3</th>
<tr><th colspan="3">5</th>
<tr><th colspan="3">7</th>
<tr><th colspan="3">8</th>
April 5, 2016 at 5:54 pm
Hi Lowell
Thank you very much for your reply. I understand there is lots wrong with my code but I don't know how to fiddle with the formatting to get the result I want:-). I see that the unclosed TR after the TH causes a ghost TR pair - I added it there because I think that I need to have a TR around the TH but the way I have written it doesn't work. I didn't build the column headers in the @tableHeader because I don't know how - when I have done this I get the tableHeader row like a separate table to the data rows.
I am trying to select a colspan row as an inline header and then three data elements - if you can suggest how to fiddle with the html I will be forever grateful. Kind regards, Sally
April 6, 2016 at 5:29 am
for xml won't let you inject closing html tags any place you want, but what you want to do is make it do the 99% of the work, and then fix it with a simple find and replace.
your code, barely modified like this, and featuring a replace to change the closing TH tag to end its own TR and Start a new TRfor the related data,, seems to do what you were after:
DECLARE @Table TABLE(Data1 varchar(30),Data2 varchar(30),Data3 varchar(30),Data4 varchar(30) )
insert into @Table
select top 10 name,OBJECT_ID,type_desc,name from sys.objects
DECLARE @HTMLTable varchar(max);
DECLARE @TableHead varchar(max);
DECLARE @TableTail varchar(max);
SET @TableHead = '<html><body><table border = "1">' ;
SET @TableTail = '</table></body></html>';
SET @HTMLTable = (
select '3' as
, Data1 as
Data2 as
, null,
Data3 AS
, null,
Data4 as
, null
from @Table
order by Data1, Data2
For XML path('tr'), Elements)
set @HTMLTable = @TableHead + @HTMLTable + @TableTail;
SELECT @HTMLTable = REPLACE(@HTMLTable,'</th>','</th></tr><tr>')
April 6, 2016 at 8:40 pm
Hi Lowell
Thank you so much for this. I had made some changes that "worked" but still had issues with my HTML. Your solution works perfectly and produces the expected HTML.
Kind regards, Sally
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