SQL Mail doesn''t work

  • Big problem and I don't know why..

    SQL Mail doesn't work.

    When I try do Mail out of SQL-Enterprice Manager it hangs.

    When I try to Mail via Query and xp_sendmail it hangs also with no error. I cant stop the Query, i have to cancel the complete Query Analizer via Task Manager.

    When I start Outlook 2000 on the Server I can send mails.

    This is my Query(Example out of BOL):

    EXEC xp_sendmail @recipients = 'e446812',

       @message = 'The master database is full.',

       @subject = 'Master Database Status'

    After 8 minutes I get the Messange:

    Query cancelled by User

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Operation canceled

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired

    ODBC: Msg 0, Level 16, State 1

    Communication link failure

    Connection Broken


    I hope anyone knows the Problem an can provide me with a solution.

    Kind Regard


  • You has been check the mail profile in your server?



  • Hi,

    the profile is ok, i can send Mail out of Outlook.



  • When you say you can send email...

    Can you send email from Outlook logged onto the server as the sql service account?

    Have you set up SQL Agent Mail and an operator and can you send an test email from EM there?

    I know some folks have problems with Outlook 2003.

    Some of the servers here take 2 mins to load the mail profile during SQL agent startup because of Outlook 2003

    Just a few thoughts...

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