SQL Mail Doesn''t see any profiles....

  • Hi,

    I have just created a mail profile using the sql server service account and succesfully sent mail to my account from outlook. The problem is when I try to configure SQLMail I don't get any profiles to select from the dropdoen. If I manually key in the name it says that it can't find a profile of that name. Does nyone know what I need to do to get the profiles available???


  • http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;311231 

    It should help you

  • 1. in SqlServer Agent Service startup acoount must be the same as  Startup Sql Service account

    2. You must logon Windows with this account

    3. You must define profile  for this user in Control Panel -> Mail

    4. to start SqlMail service in Sql Server with this profile


     Good luck

  • Thanks guys,

    I needed to go to control panel->inernet options->mail and set outlook as the default mail client. It was still set to outlook express.

    Thanks Again,


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