SQL Mail

  • I apologise if there is another post that answers this but i couldnt find one. There were lots of posts on SQL Mail but not this problem exactly.

    I have set up a MAPI profile on a Windows Server 2003 std server with outlook 2000. This profile has been checked and works with the SQL 2000 installation. I am logged on as the SQL Server Service (same domain account for sql services, mapi profile and logon to server to test).

    The SQL 2000 default instance SERVER runs fine.

    The SQL 2005 instance SERVER\SERVER2005 doesn't work. It cant start SQL MAIL. I stop the 2000 agent. restart the 2005 agent and it works!!!!!!

    Is there a solution to have both the 2000 and 2005 instance using SQL mail on the same box?

  • Why don't you use SQL mail for your 2000 instance and DB Mail for your 2005 instance?

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