SQL logins with AD

  • I have a separate script for SQL Logins with the permissions db data reader etc and a separate script that reads AD to see if the

    user is terminated.

    I am looking to see if this can all be in one script.




  • What is the script you are using to check if the Windows account is terminated? That's the first question. And I have another. And I make that long on purpose now since most of the time if I ask two questions I only get an answer to one. And sometimes not even that 🙂

    So the second question is are these windows accounts you are using to create Windows logins or are these SQL Logins you are creating for windows users - Is the login a SQL login or a windows login, Windows authentication or SQL Server authentication? I know you said SQL login but the two are different. There are a lot of posts that are using both terms interchangeably and mixing them up.


  • I was able to complete this.

  • TRACEY-320982 wrote:

    I was able to complete this.



    could you tell us, how you fixed your problem?

    Kind regards,


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