SQL Litespeed Backup\Restore

  • We are using SQL Litespeed v2609.  We have a backup device that contains 2 backups.  My question is, if we restore using the basic

    exec master.dbo.xp_restore_database

    @database =' ',

    @filename =' '

    And we don't specify the filenumber- what gets restored?  Is the default the last backup taken?

    I've looked through the Litespeed help file but it does not specify.

    Any ideas?



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  • I found a little time, and an inactive db to do some testing.  So for anyone else that runs into this: 

    If you do not specify a filenumber the query will restore the FIRST backup file that exists in the backup device.



  • You're correct. If the filenumber is not specified in the xp LiteSpeed will default to the first file number in the backup device. I noticed that you are still using Our newest version, SQL LiteSpeed, is on our website and available for download right now. The new build includes more GUI functionality, The ability to generate SQL scripts for backing up and restore in the GUI, backups that can go straight to tape and a ROI tool that is activated in evaluation mode.

    We've also added to our product suite and we have several more products that can be evaluated for free.


    Speed Change Manager - Simple, yet powerful, database comparison tool for Microsoft© SQL 7 or 2000 databases. This includes the ability to generate the scripts necessary to make two databases identical.

    Speed IDE - Full-featured integrated development environment (IDE) for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or 7. 

    Speed Coefficient - Database monitoring and analysis for Microsoft SQL Server 7 and 2000. Statistically analyzes database activity and produces detailed reports.

    It's pretty cool technology and definately worth a free test drive.

    David Swanson

    US Tech Support Manager

    Imceda Software


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