SQL Join Query Needed

  • Hi All,

    I have a table that stores staff transfer details. Data as follows.







    For a report, I wanted to show the data in below format.





    Can anyone please help with this?

    Thanks, Vinod

  • I suggest you take a look at this article and post data in a more readable manner:


    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • ok Vinod, this time around I shall help you with test data. But as suggested by Gianluca, please make sure to post queries with data like this. You would get a lot quicker replies.

    With lot of assumptions as below,

    1. There will be no more than 2 records for each salesrep (which is usually unlikely 🙂 )

    2. Transferdate is null where he is working and the joining date will be his transfer date for that department.

    3. And some other assumption which I could have made in my query (Select clause)

    I am just giving a gist of how you can do it. May be people will come up with killer queries if there are more than one transfer for a salesrep.

    Create table #stxr(TID int, RID int, Scode Varchar(10),

    Srep varchar(10), dept varchar(10), jDate datetime, Tdate datetime)

    INSERT INTO #stxr VALUES(53, 54, 481, 'John', 'ABC', '31-Jul-05', '03-Oct-09')

    INSERT INTO #stxr VALUES(54, 53, 481, 'John', 'XYZ', '04-Oct-09 ',NULL)

    INSERT INTO #stxr VALUES(71, 76, 566, 'Tom', 'XYZ', '03-Feb-08','10-Oct-09')

    INSERT INTO #stxr VALUES(76, 71, 566, 'Tom', 'ABC', '11-Oct-09 ',NULL)

    Select Scode,


    max(Case when Tdate is not null Then Dept END) as [FROM],

    max(Case when Tdate is null Then Dept END) as [TO],

    max(case when Tdate is not null then Jdate END) as JoinDate,

    Max(Case When tdate is null then Jdate End) as TxrDate



    Group by Scode,Srep

    I am also interested to see how others will approach if there are unknown number of transfers!


  • I don't know how you intend to display more than two transfers, but this is just a guess on your data:

    DECLARE @Transfers TABLE (

    TransferID int,

    RefID int,

    SalesCode int,

    SalesRep varchar(10),

    Dept char(3),

    JoinDt datetime,

    TransferDt datetime


    INSERT INTO @Transfers


    53, 54, 481, 'John', 'ABC', '31-Jul-05', '03-Oct-09' UNION ALL SELECT

    54, 53, 481, 'John', 'XYZ', '04-Oct-09', '11-Nov-09' UNION ALL SELECT

    55, 54, 481, 'John', 'EDF', '12-Nov-09', NULL UNION ALL SELECT

    71, 76, 566, 'Tom', 'XYZ', '03-Feb-08', '10-Oct-09' UNION ALL SELECT

    76, 71, 566, 'Tom', 'ABC', '11-Oct-09', NULL

    SELECT A.SalesCode, SalesRep, B.[From], Dept AS [To], B.JoinDt, A.JoinDt AS TransferDT

    FROM @Transfers AS A


    SELECT SalesCode, JoinDt, Dept AS [From]

    FROM @Transfers AS T


    SELECT SalesCode, MAX(TransferDt)

    FROM @Transfers AS TG

    WHERE TransferDt IS NOT NULL

    GROUP BY SalesCode

    HAVING SalesCode = T.SalesCode

    AND MAX(TransferDt) = T.TransferDt


    ) AS B

    ON A.SalesCode = B.SalesCode

    WHERE TransferDt IS NULL

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Hi,

    Along with Gianluca nice approaches also try this

    Use Gianluca sample data

    select a.SalesCode,


    max(a.Dept) [From],

    max(b.Dept) [TO],



    from @Transfers a ,

    @Transfers b

    where a.TransferDt is not null

    and a.SalesCode = b.SalesCode

    and a.SalesRep = a.SalesRep

    and b.TransferDt is null

    group by a.SalesCode,


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