November 25, 2021 at 10:12 am
I have 4 scenarios to cover so I am using the below Merge query in SQL Server 2016. Using Merge query, scenarios 1,2,3 work but scenario 4 does not work. Can someone please help? also, I am ok to use other approaches as well like JOINS if it covers all 4 scenarios.
Please note Source table i.e. temp_Wrike_Kimble can have 1 or many records which need to be updated/insert into target table (Wrike_Task_Kimble_Log)
Link: DBFiddle
--Create a target table
CREATE TABLE Wrike_Task_Kimble_Log
Taskid varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Wrike_Update_Task_URL varchar(max),
ActualMargin float,
BudgetMargin float,
IsProcessed bit default 0,
Rootpid varchar(50)
--Create source table
CREATE TABLE temp_Wrike_Kimble
Taskid varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Wrike_Update_Task_URL varchar(max),
ActualMargin float,
BudgetMargin float,
IsProcessed bit default 0,
Rootpid varchar(50)
Merge Query:
MERGE Wrike_Task_Kimble_Log AS TARGET
USING temp_Wrike_Kimble AS SOURCE
--When no records are matched, insert the incoming records from source table to target table
THEN INSERT (TaskId,Wrike_Update_Task_URL,ActualMargin,BudgetMargin,IsProcessed,Rootpid)
VALUES (SOURCE.TaskId, SOURCE.Wrike_Update_Task_URL,SOURCE.ActualMargin,SOURCE.BudgetMargin,SOURCE.IsProcessed,SOURCE.rootpid)
OUTPUT $action,
INSERTED.TaskId AS TargetTaskId,
INSERTED.Wrike_Update_Task_URL AS TargetWrike_Update_Task_URL,
INSERTED.ActualMargin AS TargetActualMargin,
INSERTED.BudgetMargin AS TargetBudgetMargin,
INSERTED.IsProcessed AS TargetIsProcessed,
INSERTED.Rootpid AS TargetRootpid;
Scenario 1: If in the first run, the record was not processed in target as (IsProcessed= 0), then in next run for the same record, only UPDATE the rootpid of target table to 'test2'
--Insert records into the target table
INSERT INTO Wrike_Task_Kimble_Log (TaskId,Wrike_Update_Task_URL,ActualMargin,BudgetMargin,IsProcessed,Rootpid)
--Insert records into the source table
INSERT INTO temp_Wrike_Kimble (TaskId,Wrike_Update_Task_URL,ActualMargin,BudgetMargin,IsProcessed,Rootpid)
Scenario2: If a record is already successfully processed in target (IsProcessed= 1), then in the next run, the record having the same (TaskId AND ActualMargin AND BudgetMargin) will be ignored i.e. neither UPDATE / INSERT in the target table
--Insert records into target table
INSERT INTO Wrike_Task_Kimble_Log (TaskId,Wrike_Update_Task_URL,ActualMargin,BudgetMargin,IsProcessed,Rootpid)
--Insert records into source table
INSERT INTO temp_Wrike_Kimble (TaskId,Wrike_Update_Task_URL,ActualMargin,IsProcessed,Rootpid)
Scenario3: If a record is new (TaskId) i.e. which does not exist in Target then simply INSERT new record from Source to Target.
--Insert records into target table
INSERT INTO Wrike_Task_Kimble_Log (TaskId,Wrike_Update_Task_URL,ActualMargin,BudgetMargin,IsProcessed,Rootpid)
--Insert records into source table
INSERT INTO temp_Wrike_Kimble (TaskId,Wrike_Update_Task_URL,ActualMargin,BudgetMargin,IsProcessed,Rootpid)
Scenario4: If for a TaksId which is already processed in Target (IsProcessed= 1), but its (ActualMargin OR BudgetMargin) is changed in Source table, then INSERT it as new record from Source to Target
--Insert records into target table
INSERT INTO Wrike_Task_Kimble_Log (TaskId,Wrike_Update_Task_URL,ActualMargin,BudgetMargin,IsProcessed,Rootpid)
--Insert records into source table
INSERT INTO temp_Wrike_Kimble (TaskId,Wrike_Update_Task_URL,ActualMargin,BudgetMargin,IsProcessed,Rootpid)
November 25, 2021 at 1:23 pm
I can't see any easy way of accommodating scenario four in a MERGE, because MERGE does not allow an INSERT in the case of a match.
You could experiment with changing the match condition to specifically exclude scenario four:
ON (TARGET.TaskId = SOURCE.TaskId and NOT (TARGET.ActualMargin = SOURCE.ActualMargin AND TARGET.BudgetMargin = SOURCE.BudgetMargin ))
But that feels a bit dirty and not very pleasant to maintain!
The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Martin Rees
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Stan Laurel
November 25, 2021 at 1:40 pm
What is the primary key of the target table? With Scenario4 you're inserting a new row which would duplicate (or more?) the TaskId. Once the TaskId is non-unique then further JOIN'ing on it could become a problem. Also, there are many issues with MERGE in general. It's non-atomic, it doesn't use indexes to apply the ON condition, and others. The only way for MERGE to avoid a full table scan is to use a CTE. With MERGE an explicit transaction with try/catch and SET XACT_ABORT ON are a minimum imo. Better to split into 2 (or more) statements of INSERT/UPDATE imo
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