SQL insert statement question ??? How can this be done


    Hi All.


    I have an insert statement that just wont be OK even though I thought it should be simple one....

    I have one table with a lot o countrycodes like

    ID, CountryCode

    1    SE

    2    GB

    3    FR

    Then I have another table holding different Transactions..each transaction have a description for only one language. This table has got a transactionid,a languageid and a descriptive text. What I would like to do is insert additional rows for each transaction so that each transactionID have got the same description but for all languages existing in my countrycode table(see above).

    Initially my transaction table looks like this:

    TransactionID     CountryCode     DescriptionText

    1                      SE                   trans 1

    2                      FR                   trans2


    After the insert operation based on the content of the countrycode table example  above I would like the table to look like:

    TransactionID     CountryCode     DescriptionText

    1                      SE                   trans 1

    1                      GB                   trans 1

    1                      FR                   trans1

    2                      SE                   trans 2

    2                      GB                   trans 2

    2                      FR                   trans2


    How can I do this with a single statement ?? Help appreciated


  • Try this:


    declare @ContryCodes table (ID int, ContryCode varchar(2))

    insert @ContryCodes select 1, 'SE'

    insert @ContryCodes select 2, 'GB'

    insert @ContryCodes select 3, 'FR'

    declare @Transactions table (TransactionID int, ContryCode varchar(2), DescriptionText varchar(10))

    insert @Transactions select 1, 'SE', 'trans 1'

    insert @Transactions select 2, 'FR', 'trans 2'

    insert @Transactions select t.TransactionId, c.ContryCode, t.DescriptionText

    from @ContryCodes c inner join @Transactions t

    on c.ContryCode != t.ContryCode

    select * from @Transactions order by TransactionID


  • Hi,

    I did not try the following but this could work:

    INSERT INTO TableName (TransactionId,CountryCode,DescriptionText)
    SELECT a.TransactionId,b.CountryCode,a.DescriptionText
    FROM Transaction a
    CROSS JOIN CountryCode b



  • If you add "where a.ContryCode != b.ContryCode" then we have the same solution, more or less

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