September 22, 2015 at 10:48 am
Here is what Ia m trying to do ?
I have this big huge SQL statement ( See below ) and I am trying to see whether there is some quick magic way to asssign it to the variable @sql
Thanks a bunch.
Declare @sql NVARCHAR(MAX)
Set @sql = <????>
SELECT ClaimSurgical.FormNbr as ClaimIdentifier,ClaimSurgical.MemberTID, ClaimSurgical.Membernbr as MemberNumber, ClaimSurgical.AdmitDate AS ServiceDateYYYYMMDD,
CAST(CAST(ClaimSurgical.AdmitDate AS VARCHAR) AS DATETIME) ServiceDate,ClaimSurgical.ProviderNbr as ClaimPRVNO, ClaimSurgical.VendorNbr as ClaimTaxID,
ClaimSurgical.AssignedProvider1 as PCPPRVNO,ClaimSurgical.CAPVendor as PCPTaxID, EventCode_1.EventCodeTypeID, EventCode_1.EventCodeID, 1 AS EventSourceID,
EventCode_1.EventCode, ClaimSurgical.PlaceofService as POS,ClaimSurgical.MemberSex as Gender, DMember.MemberDateofBirth as DOB,
ClaimSurgical.GroupNbr, GETDATE() AS UpdatedDate, 'MHPDW Claims' AS UpdatedUser
MHPDW.EDW.MEMBER.DMember DMember ON ClaimSurgical.MemberTID = DMember.MemberTID INNER JOIN
dbo.EventCode AS EventCode_1 ON ltrim(rtrim(ClaimSurgical.Surgical)) = ltrim(rtrim(EventCode_1.EventCode))
WHERE (ClaimSurgical.AdmitDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate) AND (EventCode_1.EventCodeTypeID = 3) AND (ClaimSurgical.PlanCode IN ('MSA', 'MCR','MIC', 'CSH','HMP'))
September 22, 2015 at 11:09 am
you just need to put your query within the single quotes of the assignment and then qualify all your single quotes with the query.
Declare @sql NVARCHAR(MAX)
Set @sql = '
SELECT ClaimSurgical.FormNbr as ClaimIdentifier,ClaimSurgical.MemberTID, ClaimSurgical.Membernbr as MemberNumber, ClaimSurgical.AdmitDate AS ServiceDateYYYYMMDD,
CAST(CAST(ClaimSurgical.AdmitDate AS VARCHAR) AS DATETIME) ServiceDate,ClaimSurgical.ProviderNbr as ClaimPRVNO, ClaimSurgical.VendorNbr as ClaimTaxID,
ClaimSurgical.AssignedProvider1 as PCPPRVNO,ClaimSurgical.CAPVendor as PCPTaxID, EventCode_1.EventCodeTypeID, EventCode_1.EventCodeID, 1 AS EventSourceID,
EventCode_1.EventCode, ClaimSurgical.PlaceofService as POS,ClaimSurgical.MemberSex as Gender, DMember.MemberDateofBirth as DOB,
ClaimSurgical.GroupNbr, GETDATE() AS UpdatedDate, ''MHPDW Claims'' AS UpdatedUser
MHPDW.EDW.MEMBER.DMember DMember ON ClaimSurgical.MemberTID = DMember.MemberTID INNER JOIN
dbo.EventCode AS EventCode_1 ON ltrim(rtrim(ClaimSurgical.Surgical)) = ltrim(rtrim(EventCode_1.EventCode))
WHERE (ClaimSurgical.AdmitDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate) AND (EventCode_1.EventCodeTypeID = 3) AND (ClaimSurgical.PlanCode IN (''MSA'', ''MCR'',''MIC'', ''CSH'',''HMP''))'
if you are executing this query once it is assigned you would used sp_executesql like so
exec sp_executesql @sql,N'@FromDate datetime,ToDate datetime',@FromDate = @FromDate,@ToDate = @ToDate
September 23, 2015 at 5:26 am
Ahh.. but you still have to manually go and replace every single quote with a double single quote.
I was thinking whether there was a way to get around that easily... Looks like there isn't.
September 23, 2015 at 7:37 am
Whenever I have to do this (convert Regular SQL to doubled-quoted SQL to insert into a @variable) I cut & paste the SQL statement to a new, empty, editing window (or Notepad would do), do a Find & Replace of all single-quote to double-them-up, and then cut & paste it back again to the
@sql = 'xxx'
I find this easier than doing a FIND for the first single-quote, doubling that up, F3 to find the next one ... repeat ... which is the only other alternative that occurs to me.
But if anyone has a smarter way I'd like to hear it.
When we use OPENQUERY() where we often have to quadruple-quote we do it in two stages:
SELECT @sql = 'SELECT Col1, Col2 FROM MyTable WHERE FOO = ''BAR'' '
to get the initial SQL syntax and then
SELECT @sql =
FROM OPENQUERY([LinkedServerName], '''
+ REPLACE(@SQL, '''', '''''')-- Double up the quotes
+ ''') AS T'
September 23, 2015 at 7:46 am
mw112009 (9/23/2015)
ThanksAhh.. but you still have to manually go and replace every single quote with a double single quote.
I was thinking whether there was a way to get around that easily... Looks like there isn't.
You can use Ctrl + H. 😉
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