• I have a table with the following structure:

    MemberNbr  varchar(11)

    StartDate    int

    EndDate int

    PlanCode  varchar(3)


    Sample Data:


    MemberNbr             StartDate          EndDate      Plan

    12345678901          20050101          20050501     ABC

    12345678901          20050501          20051231     BBB

    12345678901          20060401          0                BBB


    I need to select each member record where the StartDate is the earliest

    for the member where there is no prvious break in service.  In this case, the record needed would be

    MemberNbr            StartDate          EndDate       Plan

    12345678901         20060401          0                 BBB

    since the prior record ended before the current record started.

  • How about

    SELECT MAX(startdate), MemberNbr FROM MemberNbr GROUP BY MemberNbr

  • That would work for those records I sampled. But what about records which

    exists in the sample where the 3rd record is not there.  In that case, the desired record would be :

    MemberNbr             StartDate         EndDate        Plan

    12345678901          20050101          20050501     ABC

  • How about something like: 

    SELECT MAX(startdate), MemberNbr FROM MemberNbr GROUP BY MemberNbr HAVING A <> 0

  • For problems like this, you typcially solve them by joining to a derived table which gives you the required record for each group:

    Select t.MemberNbr, t.StartDate, t.EndDate, t.Plan

    From YourTable As t

    Inner Join

    -- Join derived table


      Select MemberNbr, Min(StartDate) As EarliestDate

      From YourTable

      Group By MemberNbr

    ) dt

      On (t.MemberNbr = dt.MemberNbr And

            t.StartDate = dt.EarliestDate)

    -- And check for break in service

    Where Not Exists


      Select *

      From YourTable As t2

      Where t.MemberNbr = t2.MemberNbr

      And     t.StartDate = t2.EndDate


  • DECLARE @T TABLE(MemberNbr  varchar(11),StartDate    int,

    EndDate int,PlanCode  varchar(3))


    SELECT '12345678901',          20050101,          20050501,     'ABC'

    UNION ALL SELECT '12345678901',          20050501,          20051231,     'BBB'

    UNION ALL SELECT '12345678901',          20060401,          20060601,    'BBB'

    --UNION ALL SELECT '12345678901',          20060601,          0        ,    'BBB'


    SELECT  A.MemberNbr,MAX(A.StartDate) StDate



    ON A.MemberNbr=B.MemberNbr and A.StartDate=b.EndDate

    WHERE B.MemberNbr IS NULL

    GROUP BY A.MemberNbr

    Kindest Regards,


  • Thank you all for your prompt and workable solutions.

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