sql help

  • I was wondering if there is a better, faster way to script the following.....

    declare @begin_dt datetime, @end_dt datetime

    set @begin_dt = '7/1/2008'

    set @end_dt = '7/15/2008'

    select distinct substring(pc1.sym,charindex('.',pc1.sym,11) + 1,len(rtrim(pc1.sym)) - charindex('.',pc1.sym,11)) as sub_category,

    ARTS = (select count(*) from call_req cr

    join prob_ctg pc on

    pc.persid = cr.category

    join ca_contact ca on

    ca.contact_uuid = cr.group_id

    where substring(pc.sym,11,charindex('.',pc.sym,11) - 11) = 'ARTS' -- category

    and substring(pc.sym,charindex('.',pc.sym,11) + 1,len(rtrim(pc.sym)) - charindex('.',pc.sym,11)) = substring(pc1.sym,charindex('.',pc1.sym,11) + 1,len(rtrim(pc1.sym)) - charindex('.',pc1.sym,11)) -- sub-category

    and substring(cr.ref_num,1,3) in ('INC','REQ')

    and substring(pc.sym,1,9) = 'IT.FldSvc'

    and cr.status <> 'CANCLD'

    and dateadd(hh,-5,dateadd(s,cr.open_date,'1970')) between @begin_dt and @end_dt

    and substring(ca.last_name,1,9) = 'IT.FldSvc'

    and substring(ca.last_name,11,len(ca.last_name) - 10) = 'ARTS'), -- group

    Atlanta = (select count(*) from call_req cr

    join prob_ctg pc on

    pc.persid = cr.category

    join ca_contact ca on

    ca.contact_uuid = cr.group_id

    where substring(pc.sym,11,charindex('.',pc.sym,11) - 11) = 'Atlanta' -- category

    and substring(pc.sym,charindex('.',pc.sym,11) + 1,len(rtrim(pc.sym)) - charindex('.',pc.sym,11)) = substring(pc1.sym,charindex('.',pc1.sym,11) + 1,len(rtrim(pc1.sym)) - charindex('.',pc1.sym,11)) -- sub-category

    and substring(cr.ref_num,1,3) in ('INC','REQ')

    and substring(pc.sym,1,9) = 'IT.FldSvc'

    and cr.status <> 'CANCLD'

    and dateadd(hh,-5,dateadd(s,cr.open_date,'1970')) between @begin_dt and @end_dt

    and substring(ca.last_name,1,9) = 'IT.FldSvc'

    and substring(ca.last_name,11,len(ca.last_name) - 10) = 'Atlanta'), -- group

    Bing = (select count(*) from call_req cr

    join prob_ctg pc on

    pc.persid = cr.category

    join ca_contact ca on

    ca.contact_uuid = cr.group_id

    where substring(pc.sym,11,charindex('.',pc.sym,11) - 11) = 'Bing' -- category

    and substring(pc.sym,charindex('.',pc.sym,11) + 1,len(rtrim(pc.sym)) - charindex('.',pc.sym,11)) = substring(pc1.sym,charindex('.',pc1.sym,11) + 1,len(rtrim(pc1.sym)) - charindex('.',pc1.sym,11)) -- sub-category

    and substring(cr.ref_num,1,3) in ('INC','REQ')

    and substring(pc.sym,1,9) = 'IT.FldSvc'

    and cr.status <> 'CANCLD'

    and dateadd(hh,-5,dateadd(s,cr.open_date,'1970')) between @begin_dt and @end_dt

    and substring(ca.last_name,1,9) = 'IT.FldSvc'

    and substring(ca.last_name,11,len(ca.last_name) - 10) = 'Bing')

    from prob_ctg pc1

    where pc1.sym like 'it.fldsvc%'

    order by substring(pc1.sym,charindex('.',pc1.sym,11) + 1,len(rtrim(pc1.sym)) - charindex('.',pc1.sym,11))

  • Just based on the number of correlated subqueries in your code I would say yes there is a better and faster way. Probably the best way for someone to get you the better way is to post the table schemas, some test data, a desired outcome and an explanation of what the code is supposed to accomplish.

    I spent about 2 minutes just trying to figure out the code and got to the 2nd subquery and gave up, which may be why you have not gotten any other answers. With the information I suggested I may have been able to give a possible solution in that time.

  • Jack Corbett (7/30/2008)

    Just based on the number of correlated subqueries in your code I would say yes there is a better and faster way. Probably the best way for someone to get you the better way is to post the table schemas, some test data, a desired outcome and an explanation of what the code is supposed to accomplish.

    I spent about 2 minutes just trying to figure out the code and got to the 2nd subquery and gave up, which may be why you have not gotten any other answers. With the information I suggested I may have been able to give a possible solution in that time.

    sorry I should've shorten it down. would this help?

    declare @begin_dt datetime, @end_dt datetime

    set @begin_dt = '7/1/2008'

    set @end_dt = '7/15/2008'

    select distinct substring(pc1.sym,charindex('.',pc1.sym,11) + 1,len(rtrim(pc1.sym)) - charindex('.',pc1.sym,11)) as sub_category,

    ARTS = (select count(*) from call_req cr

    join prob_ctg pc on

    pc.persid = cr.category

    join ca_contact ca on

    ca.contact_uuid = cr.group_id

    where substring(pc.sym,11,charindex('.',pc.sym,11) - 11) = 'ARTS' -- category

    and substring(pc.sym,charindex('.',pc.sym,11) + 1,len(rtrim(pc.sym)) - charindex('.',pc.sym,11)) = substring(pc1.sym,charindex('.',pc1.sym,11) + 1,len(rtrim(pc1.sym)) - charindex('.',pc1.sym,11)) -- sub-category

    and substring(cr.ref_num,1,3) in ('INC','REQ')

    and substring(pc.sym,1,9) = 'IT.FldSvc'

    and cr.status <> 'CANCLD'

    and dateadd(hh,-5,dateadd(s,cr.open_date,'1970')) between @begin_dt and @end_dt

    and substring(ca.last_name,1,9) = 'IT.FldSvc'

    and substring(ca.last_name,11,len(ca.last_name) - 10) = 'ARTS') -- group

    from prob_ctg pc1

    where pc1.sym like 'it.fldsvc%'

    and pc1.del = 0 --active categories

    order by sub_category

    The WHERE clause if retuning all active sub-categories. In the SELECT, i am getting a count for "ARTS" where it matches to the sub-categories in the WHERE clause. I had to do alot of string manipulation to get "ARTS" and the sub-categories since its part of a longer string.

  • if possible, get those embedded fields into seperate columns via a view or computed columns! that'll make the code so much easier to follow and depending on your db settings, you could even index the categories and sub_categories.

    create table #test ( sym varchar(255) )

    insert into #test values ( 'IT.FldSvc.Lower.Atlanta' )

    insert into #test values ( 'IT.FldSvc.Greater.Chicago' )

    insert into #test values ( 'IT.FldSvc.FAST.ARTS' )

    insert into #test values ( 'IT.FldSvc.FASTER.STILL.ARTS' )

    alter table #test add category as substring( sym, 11, charindex('.',sym,11) -11)

    alter table #test add sub_category as substring( sym, charindex('.',sym,11) + 1,len(sym))

    select * from #test

    also, the dateadd()s with call_req.open_date are odd. is open_date an int and if so, why? a computed column to make a 'real' open_date would help readability and performance.

    right off the bat, it looks like the ARTS=, Atlanta=, and Bing= subqueries are identical except for looking for 'ARTS', 'Atlanta', and 'Bing' so they can be combined into one.

    something like this would be the result:

    select sub_category,

    sum( case when group_type = 'ARTS' then ct end ) as ARTS_ct,

    sum( case when group_type = 'Atlanta' then ct end ) as Atlanta_ct,

    sum( case when group_type = 'Bing' then ct end ) as Bing_ct



    select pc1.sub_category, GT.group_type, count(*) as ct


    (select 'ARTS' as group_type union select 'Atlanta' union select 'Bing') as GT

    cross join call_req cr

    join prob_ctg pc

    on pc.persid = cr.category

    join ca_contact ca

    on ca.contact_uuid = cr.group_id

    join prob_ctg pc1

    on pc.category = GT.group_type -- category

    and pc.sub_category = pc1.sub_category -- sub-category


    left(cr.ref_num,3) in ('INC','REQ')

    and pc.sym like 'IT.FldSvc%'

    and cr.status <> 'CANCLD'

    and dateadd(hh,-5,dateadd(s,cr.open_date,'1970')) between @begin_dt and @end_dt

    and ca.last_name like 'IT.FldSvc'

    and ca.last_name like '%'+ GT.group_type

    and pc1.sym like 'IT.FldSvc'

    group by pc1.sub_category, GT.group_type

    ) as X

    group by sub_category

    order by sub_category

  • Wow old hand, i would have never thought of that. Then again i am still a newbie. Thanks i will try it.

    btw, the date fields are in Unix format. I had to covert it to regular datetime.

  • You can definitely eliminate the sub-queries if I understand what you need. I would probably do this in a couple of passes, just to make it easier to read and thus, easier to maintain.

    Is opendate the # of seconds since 1/1/1970?

    So for your end result you want a count of substring(pc.sym,11,charindex('.',pc.sym,11) - 11) (category) records with in each substring(pc1.sym,charindex('.',pc1.sym,11) + 1,len(rtrim(pc1.sym)) - charindex('.',pc1.sym,11)) (subcategory)?

    I made major changes to the SQL and commented why, based on my understanding of the data and the desired outcome. Without some data I can't tell you for sure that this will do what you want, but I think it does:

    [font="Courier New"]DECLARE @begin_dt DATETIME, @end_dt DATETIME, @start_date INT, @end_date INT

    SET @begin_dt = '7/1/2008'

    SET @end_dt = '7/15/2008'

    /* this will set the start date and end date to the seconds as this is better than

    converting on a column */

    SET @start_date = DATEDIFF(second, '1/1/1970', DATEADD(hour, -5, @begin_dt))

    SET @end_date = DATEDIFF(second, '1/1/1970', @end_dt)

    /* The CTE gets all the data in one pass and does all the string manipulation */

    ;WITH cteGetCatsAndSubs AS



           SUBSTRING(pc.sym,11,CHARINDEX('.',pc.sym,11) - 11) AS category,

           SUBSTRING(pc1.sym,CHARINDEX('.',pc1.sym,11) + 1,LEN(RTRIM(pc1.sym)) - CHARINDEX('.',pc1.sym,11)) AS sub_category,



           SUBSTRING(ca.last_name,11,LEN(ca.last_name) - 10)  AS GROUP


           prob_ctg PC JOIN

           call_req CR ON

               PC.persid = CR.category JOIN

           ca_contact CC ON

               CR.group_id = CC.contact_uuid


           PC.sym LIKE 'it.fldsvc%' AND

           PC.del = 0 AND

           -- I changed this to likes as I think it will scale better

           (CR.ref_num LIKE 'INC%' OR CR.ref_num LIKE 'REQ%') AND

           CR.status <> 'CANCLD' AND

           -- I did the calculations on the variables so it should perform

           CR.open_date BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date AND

           CA.last_name LIKE 'IT.FldSvc%'




           /* each of these will add 1 to the sum for each row that meets

            the criteria thus giving you the count */


               WHEN category = 'ARTS' AND GROUP = 'ARTS' THEN 1

               ELSE 0

           END) AS arts,


               WHEN category = 'BING' AND GROUP = 'BING' THEN 1

               ELSE 0

           END) AS bing,


               WHEN category = 'ATLANTA' AND GROUP = 'ATLANTA' THEN 1

               ELSE 0

           END) AS ATLANTA,      


               WHEN category = 'ATLANTA' AND GROUP = 'ATLANTA' THEN 1

               ELSE 0

           END) AS ATLANTA  



       GROUP BY


    If I got it right this should be MUCH faster than your original code.

  • antonio's solution and my solution are very similar, either should be a major improvement. I like the CTE syntax because I find it cleaner and easier to read.

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