SQL help

  • Hi

    You guys will probably find this pretty simple but a bit stuck.

    I have a situation with three tables, I have a vehicles table has a relationship to a branch, however I want the history of branches the vehicle is assigned to as it move around so I have a table in the middle called branch assignment something like below...

    Vehicle Table - uid,description

    Branch Table - uid,branchname

    BranchAssignentTable - ui,startdate,enddate,vehicleid,branchid

    As you can see entries are place in branch assignment, when the assignment is comeplete enddate is populated and new record is created etc.

    What I want to achieve is a select statement that gets the name of the branch with the vehiel details



    Any help appreciated.



  • SELECT v.Description, b.branchName

    FROM branchAssignmentTable bat

    INNER JOIN Vehicle v ON v.uid = bat.VehicleID

    INNER JOIN Branch b on b.uid = bat.BranchID

  • Many thanks, told you it would be simple!

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