sql for Login and logout details of sql logins in mssql2000

  • Hi,

    Can any body help me? I need a Tsql which gives the details of Login and Logout of MSSQL2000 users other than running trace for it or enabling C2 configuration option.

    I need the same to review for how much time and how many times the particular user has been logging in/out on SQL server.

  • Try sp_trace_create and sp_trace_setstatus, this might sort out your problem. Please refer to BOL for syntax and usage.

    -Vikas Bindra

  • sp_who & sp_who2 give info about users currently logged in.

    For getting the info about how many times a user logs in/out you will need a trace.

    "Keep Trying"

  • thanks for reply.

    Anything else without creating trace. I don't want to use trace.

  • None that I am aware of.

    -Vikas Bindra

  • You can use the set of tables below and schedule a stored procedure every minute that takes a snapshot of the currently logged on users. This then captures start and end of sessions at a 1 minute level of granularity. I involved a table of specific users (av_users) because I was not alone in that SQL Server instance.

    create table avx_user_log(

    rn varchar(8),

    computer varchar(15),

    login datetime,

    logout datetime)


    create table avx_user_open_sessions(

    rn varchar(8),

    computer varchar(15),

    login datetime)


    create table avx_user_session_snapshot(

    rn varchar(8),

    computer varchar(15),

    login datetime)


    -- take a new snapshot

    truncate table avx_user_sessions_snapshot


    insert into avx_user_sessions_snapshot

    select left(loginame,8),hostname,min(login_time)

    from master.dbo.sysprocesses,av_users

    where loginame collate Latin1_general_BIN = rn and db_name(dbid)='VIEWS'

    group by loginame,hostname


    -- transfer/close sessions to avx_user_log that have gone away

    insert into avx_user_log

    select rn,computer,login,getdate()

    from avx_user_open_sessions

    where rn+computer not in

    (select rn+computer from avx_user_sessions_snapshot)


    -- remove sessions that have gone away

    delete from avx_user_open_sessions

    where rn+computer not in

    (select rn+computer from avx_user_sessions_snapshot)


    -- remove sessions from current snapshot that were already in the list of open sessions

    delete from avx_user_sessions_snapshot

    where rn+computer in

    (select rn+computer from avx_user_open_sessions)


    -- transfer new sessions from snapshot to list of open sessions

    insert into avx_user_open_sessions

    select * from avx_user_sessions_snapshot


  • Thanks for reply.

    It is useful for me at some extent. If you have any more idea regarding this please share with me.

  • hemant789 (1/20/2009)

    Thanks for reply.

    It is useful for me at some extent.

    It's just a "hand made" trace.

    Less effective and less accurate. If a connection was open and closed within the same minute you're never gonna notice.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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